Example sentences of "[subord] he [verb] [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The reader is always aware that although he knows and mostly likes the people he is writing about , he is not necessarily taken in by their ideas .
2 Which left him wondering why Alexei had agreed to the proposal at all — for if he knew or even suspected that there was to be no marriage , it was difficult to see where he perceived his advantage to lie .
3 Minter , had he but known it , was right as well as wrong : right that Harry was running short of cash , wrong if he believed that currently mattered to him a jot .
4 He spoke with awe and fear in his voice , and as if he believed that only Minch herself among all of them could know and understand what might be in Men 's minds .
5 He said , ‘ Sister , that boy has got to run his course to crisis , and whether he survives or not depends not on myself or on any other member of the medical staff of this hospital .
6 du n no whether he has or not do you ?
7 It ran to five editions in his life-time , with a sixth completed just before he died but not published until many years later .
8 It was n't long before he reappeared and swiftly removed his haversack , bags and boxes from the back of the cart .
9 When he stabbed and lightly wounded the driver , they tied him up and took him to the settlement .
10 But he had so much to do before he could leave , the milking and so on , and what with the long journey as well , he was very tired when he arrived and apparently nodded off .
11 If he could find someone who had been through the mill as he had and then collaborate with them , great things were possible .
12 ‘ I can see that , ’ D'Arcy murmured as he knelt and gently prised Ahn 's hand away from the wound .
13 Jack crept up as far as he dared and then froze .
14 It had lain there all day , still unread , for he knew that just to look at it , just to scan its heavy headlines announcing further death and destruction would only make him sink deeper into the bog of doubt .
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