Example sentences of "[subord] i [vb past] them [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was n't going to unroll the damn things , ’ continued Lydia , ‘ so I banged them in the oven , humming insouciantly the while and served them up all bubbling hot .
2 Erm , thought it would be nice at handicrafts afternoon and then we could throw the handicraft meeting open to anybody if I told them at the meeting before were going to have it .
3 I think these 'd probably be better if I did them on the one you suggested for
4 It gives me special pleasure to be present at the wedding of my good friends Annabelle and Steven , because I introduced them at the Dashing Disco/Royal Hotel/Country Club and because I have known both of them for many years at school/the tennis club .
5 I 'd heard that American Music Club were something wonderful , but when I saw them at the Grand in Clapham recently , I was n't that impressed .
6 One of these papers was a recent statement by the county education committee that no change in the status of the grammar school was contemplated : on that basis , I was able to reassure my anxious colleagues , when I met them on the first day of term , that abrupt change was not imminent .
7 When I met them after the game and asked them what they thought , they said the highlight was listening to the girl behind them telling her mate that if Batty did n't start playing better then she 'd have to start denying him sex ! ! !
8 Not like the covenant which I made when I took them by the hand To bring them out of the land of Egypt — my covenant which they broke Although I was a husband to them , says the Lord .
9 The dogs were surprised when I disturbed them in the middle of the night and they chased in their runs when I left again , strained to see me departing through the rain , and hear the car door opening , their bowls clanking as I threw them inside .
10 As I placed them in the water , the bone-china cups and saucers became first glass then nothing ; the water was cold as a glacier .
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