Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] i [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 After he and Frank Williams had confirmed the sport 's worst kept secret , the 30-year-old Londoner said : ‘ Both my sisters are going to be at home this Christmas and I 've got a job — so I guess I 'm buying the drinks .
2 If I thought I was causing any pain to the fish I would n't go fishing and I think all anglers feel that way , ’ he says .
3 I used to have to go to the toilet if I thought I was going to fight anyone , or just go to bed and close my eyes and think , ‘ Not long , not long , not long to go ’ , to keep myself down there .
4 Sometimes I tried to go as fast as I could , but it was easy to let the sail out and slow down if I felt I was getting out of control .
5 On my negative but friendly response they asked if I knew I was trespassing .
6 I mean , you know , if I said I was going to an orgy he 'd say , ‘ Oh , all right , as long as I know where you are ’ .
7 Whether er , if I sin I 'm wronging , and I 've wronged you .
8 If I fall I 'm dragging you down with me
9 If I think I am going mad , and let a psychiatrist make my decisions for me , the goals I borrow become means to keep out of trouble and recover my health .
10 Things were fine for a year or two , until I found I was becoming rather reluctant to weed .
11 But anyway , she went to so she had she she was n't she 'd been very pro American until I decided I was gon na emigrate .
12 Like I say I 'm getting some erm
13 It does put you off and you start thinking , Oh there 's no point trying it cos I know I 'm going to be last .
14 in one of me magazines to blacken your curtains out , cos I thought I 'm gon na do that on Joanne 's
15 Cos I said I 'm going to read this !
16 I 'm going to I 'm going to accelerate now cos I see I 'm going on too long .
17 I say about and that is the reason I got the book : because I discovered I was forgetting when things happened , and sometimes even whether things happened or not .
18 And then it was only because I knew I was going to have to leave at the crack of dawn on Friday , and I would n't have time to fix anything up . ’
19 it was only ten to eight and I got up because I thought I was getting late for work and I 'd better get moving .
20 And I lost all my urge to go to church , because I felt I was doing wrong , so I did n't go , and then I did n't have the strong principles anymore .
21 But now I 've made two trips there and I 'm anxious to go back because I feel I 'm getting tapped in a little better , I 'm getting emotionally connected .
22 Actually , it just happened because I found I was engaging with people who had similar interests to myself .
23 I want to cry very much now because I think I 'm admitting to myself that , no matter what happens , lift is never going to be the same again .
24 Indeed , I am sure I would because I believe I 'm falling in love with you .
25 And now we 've come to stage whereas I mean I were cleaning carpet every minute of day .
26 Only a week after I said I was gon na sell it .
27 ‘ My rent is paid up for the next six months , ’ Caro had assured her airily , ‘ before I knew I was leaving .
28 Yes , ma'am , I understand ; and I have worked with children before … well , when I was at the nuns ’ school , it was part of the older pupils ' duty to be in charge of two or three of the younger ones to see they washed properly and … well , things like that , and just before I left I was doing this . ’
29 A slightly cumbersome but straightforward method is to begin , ‘ When I knew I was going to have to mention sailing , because that is Peter 's great interest , I thought I would look up what great writers and poets of the past have said about sailing .
30 That is why when I die I am going to have all my 13 teddy bears burnt with me .
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