Example sentences of "[subord] it be [adv] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The laboratory has no money to pick up Charles Brown 's project , should AIDS arrive here with a vengeance , although it is currently collaborating with Speywood to adapt its conventional purification technology to human blood .
2 Although it is now used with a cup , the saucer had a very different origin .
3 In Spain , Housman Overseas is no longer active in the Costa del Sol , although it is still dealing with the Costa Blanca .
4 They escaped with the vehicle although it was later found with its contents , forty thousand pounds worth of clothing , still inside .
5 And to point out to her now that she did n't know the right thing to do when visiting people like the Kirkleys would be , in a way , against the advice she had just given her , although it was n't to do with talking ; more like behaviour and deportment or some such .
6 The museum staff knew the name of Damiani , although it was not recalled with much enthusiasm .
7 Once it was experimentally isolated with a highly-sexed female and was observed to mate several times , but the female failed to become pregnant , confirming the typical male tortoiseshell infertility .
8 If it is n't to do with your feelings about me , what other issue can you be trying to evade ?
9 Because section 13 is an implied condition anything which is regarded by the court as part of the contract description automatically becomes ‘ of the essence ’ and , if it is not complied with , automatically gives the buyer a right to reject the goods for breach of condition .
10 The fundamental term was therefore " something which underlines the whole contract so that , if it is not complied with , the performance becomes something totally different from that which the contract contemplates " ( Devlin J in Smeaton Hanscomb & Co v Sassoon I Setty & Son & Co [ 1953 ] 1 WLR 1468 ) .
11 What is the point of having the ultra-powerful weapon if it is not armed with the correct ammunition ?
12 It is like using an elephant gun to fire air-rifle pellets ; inappropriate , inaccurate and completely point of having an ultra-powerful weapon if it is not armed with the correct ammunition ; it is like using an elephant gun to fire air-rifle pellets ; inappropriate , inaccurate and completely unbalanced .
13 Anything less or anything other than this is not only untrue but alien and unhelpful , and if it is not dealt with it will inevitably create doubts .
14 If it 's no go with the bins , we 'll try the waste tips . ’
15 The House of Lords held that the effect of the clause was not merely to bar proceedings but to extinguish the carrier 's liability if it was not complied with .
16 Anyhow , we had open views over the Heath and Vale of Health and it made a lovely family home even if it was badly designed with a huge wasteful " well " in the middle of the house which had the advantage of enabling us to come downstairs in a series of flying leaps , holding on to tall mahogany pillars at the corners of the stairway .
17 AT&T could find such co-operation elusive if it was also competing with them .
18 And it gets underneath that underneath the door and the water ca n't come in you know , but the see cos it 's like fits with the curve underneath , you see .
19 Talbot J said " those who disclose documents on discovery are entitled to the protection of the court against any use of the documents by any person into whose hands they come unless it is directly connected with the action in which they are produced " .
20 The study of technology is important in its own right , but it also deepens our understanding of a society as a whole because it is intimately connected with the way in which people are organised and the structure of their economy .
21 Not entirely that because it is also to do with the mechanism by which government grant is distributed .
22 Even when hunched on the top step , no chink can be seen leaking around the doorframe , because it is perfectly insulated with foam plastic strip .
23 ‘ It 's very difficult to explain how you cast people because it 's really to do with instinct .
24 The rise of the Nevilles and the Percies in the late fourteenth century was the first occasion when families of genuine northern origin came into the front rank of the nobility — one may exclude the duchy of Lancaster from any such comment , because it was closely connected with the royal family and also held substantial lands in the Midlands and the South .
25 The headmaster paused , reminding himself of his conclusion that the privilege of educating the sons of the royal house had been conferred on this school because it was uniquely endowed with a philosophy which informed all its actions and made it equal to the task .
26 ‘ There was no way this lady could breathe because the air way was totally blocked because it was so packed with this material , ’ Dr Wayte said .
27 While it is closely associated with the Conservatives , it is not to be simply equated with the Conservative Party , and indeed , sometimes acts as a lobby within that party for stronger intervention against crime .
28 This is a matter that is worth some brief discussion , since it is closely connected with the fuss that has been made about the application of the term ‘ altruism ’ to animal as to human behaviour .
29 Since it was generally associated with the corpuscular theory of matter it was a common idea in Locke 's time , though its details , and the arguments from which it was derived , were not always the same .
30 In the latter case the net income attributable to shareholders will have to be assessed on the basis of whether it is reasonable compared with desired yields .
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