Example sentences of "[subord] it [adv] [verb] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although it later transpired that the RSSPCC were contracted by the Social Work Department to remove and question the South Ronaldsay children , at the time it was generally understood that Orkney 's own social workers were mainly involved .
2 SIR — It has already been reported that , contrary to official policy , the scientific merits of candidates for academic promotion in Italy are not given primary consideration by the members of the judging commission , so it often happens that a loser has a curriculum vitae ( c.v. ) clearly superior to that of a winner .
3 Even if it eventually transpires that the Lorenz equations do not satisfy the conditions necessary to justify the rigorous analysis ( but see { 33 } ) , it is none the less true that a great many ( infinitely many ) homoclinic orbits do occur in the system though perhaps not distributed densely through all r-intervals .
4 If it now emerges that the Department of the Environment was over-generous to any of the water authorities last year , OFWAT has no choice but to live with the consequences .
5 Assuming that neither the document in question , nor the tests of which its examination formed a part , gave the auditor reason to be put on enquiry , he can hardly be criticised if it subsequently transpires that the document was fraudulently created or used .
6 Now if it so happened that the A sixty one was seen as a marginally shorter route , then the model would have sent all the through traffic along the A s sixty one and none along around the bypass .
7 A draft contract will provide for a 10% deposit , and if it then transpires that the buyer can not afford to pay this , it is customary to negotiate it down to 5% , but not usually below .
8 This time , things proceeded in a more civilised manner and the arrangements concluded at the imperial conferences were enshrined in the Statute of Westminster 1931 , s.4 of which provided , amongst many other things , that for the future , no Act of the imperial Parliament should extend to any of the six Dominions listed above unless it expressly stated that the Dominions in question had requested and consented to the
9 It is clever because it effectively means that the broadcasters will have to censor themselves .
10 The forces of evil must have been working smoothly that day because it so happened that the spot he chose was the position within yards of the epicentre of terror that had frightened the railwaymen so many years earlier .
11 For it so happens that the developed societies over-value certain kinds of mental operations , like logic .
12 For it often happens that the things we take for granted are the very things that need most explaining , but to which we give least attention because we are barely conscious of them ourselves .
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