Example sentences of "[subord] it [be] [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She is tall and fair and fair-skinned , a nice green dress , good-looking I should say , although it was artificial light and I should think she looks very different in the day time … yes , I should think very different .
2 Most people are amazed to get an answer from the band at all , so it is good business and public relations to try and answer these enquiries .
3 Worlwide last year it was over $200 so it 's big business and very well organised.It 's undoubtedlty the Triads in the Far East and the Mafia in America .
4 But they were n't there , so it was free range and no chickens all the way !
5 I do n't know if it 's old age or not , oh , it 's getting worse .
6 ‘ I did n't know if it was false alarm or they got my name confused , ’ he said .
7 Hopkins played nicely to the crowds too , although it was hard to figure out if it was conscious manipulation or the unconscious product of his enthusiasm .
8 erm because I 'd phoned up and asked for them , er my secretary had phoned up and asked for a meeting with her but the response was we 're not allowed to meet with you , so we said okay , cos it 's public money and things
9 This research has been criticized partly because it is American evidence and partly because the American rates were slashed by 23% over three years with the top personal rate being reduced from 70 to 50% whilst the UK moved from 60 to 40% in just one year .
10 This rich peasant economy ought to benefit the population as a whole because it 's increasing production and erm if it becomes more efficient then the rents wo n't have to so high the poor peo poor people benefit .
11 Well do you know , out of all the girls who work New Year 's Eve right , I told them on the night , oh I said we 'll get about forty pound for tonight wo n't I , because it 's double time and I was the only one who complained about it when I had my pay .
12 They 're unable to do it and shivering is a body reaction to being cold to make you warm up because it 's rapid movement and babies ca n't do that , this is n't very clear , hang on that better ?
13 The play revolves around Brose , a harebrained nonentity machine-operator , who runs a boiler room of a semi-automated antiseptic dye factory , having taken the job because it was easy work and non-union , and who manages to annoy everybody except his fiancée .
14 She says I did it because it was good fun and I wanted to help people …
15 This subject may send shivers down your spine , but you are right to be alarmed , for whether it is the lowly woodworm or the dreaded deathwatch beetle , whether it is dry rot or wet rot , all weaken the structural timbers of a dwelling .
16 How will you know whether it is genuine regression or something you have imagined ?
17 It is therefore understandable that very many taboos and prohibitions have developed around physical exposure , whether it is bodily nakedness or attending to personal grooming .
18 As your work proceeds you should begin to see where you are short of data , whether it is hard information or merely supporting material .
19 I mean whether it 's good feedback or bad feedback do you get an other feedback on a less formal basis ?
20 Go try and change America , but if you 're gon na wear a badge , whether it 's long hair or black skin , you 'd better learn to protect yourself . ’
21 I mean most projects start with some introduction which is related to extant material , whether it 's fine art or fabric design or whatever , and then to analysing the basic level , as it were , up to the appropriate level for the age group .
22 yes but I think when you look at how it 's structured and whether it 's modular structure and its content it 's got to be written that it will be United Kingdom exportable not merely
23 Whether it was pure coincidence or something deeper in his make-up , Fran had no idea .
24 But another participant argued that it did n't really matter whether it was additional money or not .
25 I do n't know whether it was inspired intuition but he pinched the grating on the day of the Darrowby Gala .
26 I was not certain whether it was Christian principle or a more cautious understanding of contraception than I had .
27 This led to a circuitous discussion with Paul Lexington about whether it was sound equipment or not , which was only settled after much wrangling ( and , almost definitely , money changing hands ) .
28 Before it was cheeky girl and mother .
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