Example sentences of "[subord] it [verb] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her step was much lighter than it had been the previous day , but when she saw that her inquisitor was n't the Obersturmfuhrer , her heart sank .
2 If it had been the following week with school holidays but I , I do think you 'd be very tired the next day .
3 I knew if it had been the other way round , if it was Robert I had to ask , he would have said , ‘ On yer bike . ’ ’
4 ‘ Richard Cawston 's film could not have had a better critical reception if it had been the combined work of Eisenstein , Hitchcock and Fellini , ’ wrote the critic in the Evening Standard .
5 The polished wood floor , the scattered rugs , the furniture , it looked as if it had been the same for years , yet Kate could see the newness of the sofas , the curtains .
6 ‘ What if it had been the wrong house ? ’
7 We 're passed that now we 're trying to give people more direction , get them involved er this is the first year we 've able to do it in a sense , properly cos it 's been the first year , with all due respect to all the work you 've done in the past , we 've got five year tutors .
8 We pray for those who are sad because it has been the first Christmas without a loved one , and who grieve with their memories .
9 It was all much as it had been the first time , only evening instead of morning ; and Emily stood by herself as before , and now he knew why , wearing his ring on another finger .
10 It was all there , just as it had been the previous night : the exhilaration , the mounting excitement , the warm , wonderful sensation of not being isolated and lonely .
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