Example sentences of "[subord] in [adj] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many mosaics of group ( b ) appear to be later than those of group ( a ) , although in some instances mosaics of each might be contemporary ( i.e. at Chedworth and North Leigh ) , and , occasionally , group ( a ) mosaics appear to be later ( if a later , fourth century , date for the Withington mosaic is accepted ) than some of group ( b ) .
2 Yet average figures often cover up cases of hardship and even if in real terms salaries for some academics appear generous , others feel disadvantaged and discontent .
3 The first principle of this is that the universe of ideas in traditional societies is characterized by one single undisputed ‘ doxa ’ , while in modern societies principles of ‘ heterodoxy ’ and ‘ orthodoxy ’ engage in struggle .
4 Whilst in many cases firms with more than 20 partners will for reasons of publicity wish to set out their names on the firm 's documentation , there is no compulsion for them so to do ( and beyond a certain number it obviously becomes impracticable ) .
5 From the active research fields and interests of members of the academic staff , listed below , it may be seen that social , historical , urban , political , economic , quantitative and applied aspects reflect current emphases in Human Geography , whilst in Physical Geography studies of Karst , Quaternary environments , sedimentology , hydrology and palaeolimnology and the arid zone are among principal fields of research .
6 When in 1913 Alison Neilans of the Ladies ' National Association announced that ‘ we and our former antagonists can work cordially together ’ , Wilson explained that the olive branch was a result of the change of heart among medics and their new expansive definition of health .
7 She had a thirst for facts and a tenacious memory , and bribed members of her family to read ‘ the drier , but more instructive books ’ which she latterly preferred , though in rural Ireland books of any kind were hard to come by .
8 Possibly even in the most traditional area of slave cultivation , sugar , the mechanisation of sugar-mills from the mid-century diminished the need for labour in processing the product , though in booming sugar economies like Cuba it produced a corresponding rise in the demand for field-hands .
9 He was looking forward to the occasion , though in those circles westerns of the type he writes are frequently looked down on , if not scorned .
10 Travelling the trail , as in numberless journey Westerns from Stagecoach to Red River , is still the game , but there 's nowhere to go now except to a pointless death .
11 The particular forms adopted by Greenfield , Hildyard and Olson can be related to the social formations and institutions that generated them , in this case specific academic institutions , just as in oral societies statements about truth are expressed and validated in terms of such complex forms and institutions as witchcraft , religion , cosmology and ritual .
12 Vocational training developments may be based in FE and HE as well as in other training providers including companies .
13 Two full-time researchers at the RIIA will undertake a part of this research and coordinate a good deal of team work involving British academics and practitioners as well as in some cases scholars from Western Europe .
14 Simultaneously , the enigmatic ‘ naming ’ of the heads invites us to apprehend them as in some sense likenesses of an individual .
15 The aristocracies which ruled so much of Europe could still see themselves even in 1914 as in some sense parts of a social order which transcended national boundaries .
16 As in most Gascon forces of the time , they were surrounded by a mass of damoiseaux , donzels or douzets , some of whom were not young , inexperienced esquires but veterans of many campaigns and expeditions .
17 She will be missed as much in the tiny village halls in County Waterford , where she was active in the Irish Country Women 's Association , as in fashionable dining rooms in Cape Cod or London .
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