Example sentences of "[subord] she have not [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although she had n't expected to , she actually managed to sleep for a few hours that night .
2 Cos she has n't applied for a green card to work , cos there 's point
3 If she had n't cannoned into Chalon , now standing quietly , she would have fallen .
4 ‘ I just called by to give Guy a message from my father , ’ the blonde was murmuring , glancing behind her at the half-open front door , then smiling at Virginia with such patent insincerity that she 'd have laughed if she had n't felt like crying her heart out instead …
5 If she had n't gone into that room , heard that doctor talking …
6 If she had n't reneged on her promise to go to Glenshee , Dane would never have followed her to that tiny cottage .
7 If she had n't yielded to a guilty passion then she would have been a better wife to Denny .
8 If she had n't come into the family … his family , would Matthew have turned out the way he was now , or would he have grown into a fine young man with a greater sense of responsibility towards his sister ?
9 What would have been my lead story this morning if she had n't wafted in ? ’
10 If she had n't sulked with her father , fought like a cat with her mother , she would n't now be hanging up Frederick 's threadbare underpants on the drying frame in a tiny back lawn in Lilac Gardens , Tadley .
11 If she had n't started with the leaves it would have been easy , irritatingly so .
12 At Ångelholm , we were joined by two more people , a grim-looking older woman all in black , who looked as if she had n't smiled since 1937 and who spent the entire journey watching me as if she had seen my face on a wanted poster , and by a fastidious older man who I guessed to be a recently retired schoolmaster and took an instant dislike to .
13 If she had n't known for a fact that he liked nothing about her she might have mistaken that note in his voice for admiration .
14 It was true , she felt , for in the heat of the moment a voice was warning her that he was only moved by desire now because she had n't fallen at his feet when he had followed her to London .
15 Was it because she had n't known about them ?
16 Edward arranged a terrible fate for Lady Buchan : ‘ Because she has not struck with the sword , she shall not die by it .
17 Chrissie is not protected to the same extent because she has not worked for long enough , and there may be grounds for dismissal .
18 Geoffrey had been cheated of his rights ; Louis was alarmed " and angered by Eleanor 's choice of a new husband , particularly since she had not asked for his consent despite the fact that he continued to style himself " Duke of Aquitaine " and regarded her as his ward .
19 Jack could never remember a breakfast when she had not presided over the cups of tea , the bowls of cornflakes , the slices of grilled bacon and half tomato which was the start to the day every morning except Fridays and in Lent .
20 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
21 But in 24 of 40 WFS countries , among women who worked , levels of infant mortality were lower when the mother was employed away from home in anon-farm occupation ( some education and skills ) than when she had not worked at all since marriage .
22 When she had n't heard from him she 'd presumed he was n't keen .
23 Sally-Anne sat down , and began to eat the bread and butter , home-made scones and Victoria sponge cake as though she had not eaten for weeks .
24 At lunchtime he scowled at his sister who , wrapped in a dressing gown , fell on the sandwiches as though she had not eaten in weeks .
25 Though Ivan claimed success with women , despite or because of his natural handicaps , and Liz herself , though she had not slept with him , had on one occasion in the early years of her marriage to Charles found herself , to her own surprise , sitting on a table in a flat in Belsize Park Gardens with Ivan 's hand inside her bra .
26 And Dot had a sinking feeling because she realized she 'd known all along even though she had n't wanted to .
27 ‘ I 'll stick to mineral water , ’ Alyssia said , sourly noticing that Mr Charm was back on the scene when he continued his conversation with Simone as though she had n't arrived on the scene at all .
28 Dot Opened her eyes to glance sideways at Mrs Hollidaye but she was still in the same position , kneeling , so Dot lowered her lids and , though she had n't meant to she found herself thinking about Gloria , still asleep in that high bed with the soft eiderdown .
29 Even though she had n't got to bed till the small hours , and had been feeling totally exhausted , she 'd been tossing and turning for what seemed like hours , utterly unable to sleep .
30 " She looks , " said Enid , " as though she has n't moved since last August .
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