Example sentences of "[subord] we [det] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although we each have a body , that is where the similarity ends .
2 It was still too hot so we all left the field for the shade of the big tree .
3 This held up the whole meeting and finally it was decided to postpone the event for over an hour , so we all left the track .
4 Until we all got the news yesterday , we were all Den O'Neil 's children .
5 As a country , if we all ate a lower-fat , and less-processed diet , Britain would not have one of the world 's highest rates of heart disease .
6 ‘ I think it would be a good idea if we all had a swim before breakfast , do n't you ? ’ he said , the announcement seized upon with alacrity by the two little girls who , once again , began jumping up and down on the mattress as if it were a trampoline .
7 Annabel had said as much to Father Ross the last time he had come to tea , and Father Ross had looked at her sternly over his glasses , saying that if we all understood the way the Universe was run what would there be left for God to tell us on the Last Day .
8 er we all hate the school and if we all hate the school , no wonder no girls are coming .
9 It might be easier if we all presented a resume of ourselves rather than waited for the questions !
10 For Christmas Brown Owl thought it would be a good idea if we each made a Christmas cracker for the children in our local hospital .
11 We might claim , for instance , to have a right to life because we each have an interest in being alive that is of sufficient importance to justify holding others to be under a duty to respect our lives , and the government to be under a corresponding obligation to reinforce that duty by enacting appropriate laws .
12 I 'm glad it went there , because we all got a chance to see it , but the chances are it would have come to us and , and fitted much more snugly if you like .
13 I , er I was gon na spring another type of love because we all spend a lot of money on it , the love of pets of animals
14 While we all deplore the sale of looted antiquities , it has been suggested recently that some ‘ source ’ nations , those rich in archaeological sites , might make more objects or recent archaeological finds available on loan to museums abroad .
15 When we all left the office this morning he was hurrying off to Paddington a pace and a half behind his wide-eyed philosopher , fielding stray oranges and packets of plectra .
16 His strength of character was invaluable in dealing with the guards and his commitment to his fellow hostages was such that he would listen quietly and matter of factly on the occasions when we all had a heart-to-heart about the little ways in which we got on each others ' nerves .
17 UNBELIEVABLE to hear of his death , only six weeks after the pensioners outing , when we all enjoyed the river cruise .
18 ‘ How can it be a challenge when we both know the outcome ? ’
19 All must be equally under suspicion , though we all know the master or mistress would never think of doing such a thing . ’
20 You may not have behaved too badly under the circumstances ( though we all have a limit to the length of our inner fuse ) ; but how much of the conflict was contributed by the part of you over which you seem to have less control , the fire down below , the lesser-disciplined arena of your own strong inner responses ?
21 And as we all know the show remains a firm favourite .
22 As we all have the choice of spending or saving , some simple form of wealth tax could be considered , too .
23 It was both a question and a statement and we both smiled , for we both knew the answer .
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