Example sentences of "[subord] they had [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Trouble is , I do n't know what he 'd do - " He broke off suddenly and turned his head away , whispering , " My father , my father , my father … " in a way so bitter and desperate that she turned to him and held him ; and although they had already stayed far longer than on previous nights , she had a sudden foreboding of events , so that she needed to love him again , now ; and a little while later , without thinking of the danger , she cried out with the joy of him : a single shriek in the night that echoed in the trees below the house and was followed by a strange , almost tangible silence .
2 Although they had recently lost narrowly to New Zealand , there was no question that West Indies were now the outstanding team in the world , and they were to continue that way throughout the 1980s .
3 When the olive-skinned Valentino was seen kidnapping a white girl and taking her to his tent where he seduced her , cinema audiences were treated to a franker exposé of naked lust on the screen than they had ever seen before .
4 Certainly not everybody in the camp found pleasure in books or music or poetry or nature but many people who normally would never have had anything to do with such things were forced by their environment to look into them and found there greater wealth than they had ever known before .
5 Many of the women who remained in the trade until their senior years eventually became readers , with higher pay and status than they had ever enjoyed before .
6 His eyebrows looked permanently as if they had just shot up .
7 He looked at her impersonally , solemn-faced , as if they had never met before .
8 By resorting to a money-lender it became more difficult to conceal their embarrassment — than if they had merely run up bills with retailers .
9 He did not take his readers back into history so much as bring Thomas Paine , William Hazlitt , Sir Arthur Conan Doyle , Sir Walter Scott [ qq.v. ] , and others forward , as if they had suddenly walked in from the street .
10 Then there was a dispute between two athletes , Colin Gaynor and Steve Eden , as to who should be in the final , because they had both qualified as fastest losers with exactly the same time .
11 It is possible that the migrants understated such factors because they had actually gone on to do courses .
12 Since they had evidently made up their minds , none of this seemed important to them .
13 ‘ What 's the matter , San ? ’ the fat woman asked for about the fifth time since they had all trooped in out of the cold .
14 This was particularly regrettable since they had always performed well and the situation was not of their making .
15 Her difficulty in identifying Mungo was hardly surprising , since they had only met once before , when she had come to stay .
16 This left the Danzig Nazis in an awkward situation since they had specifically whipped up anti-Polish feeling as part of their election campaign .
17 Thus , for example , when asked whether they had ever thought seriously about early retirement before the prospect of redundancy was raised , less than one-quarter had done so .
18 Most of all the cheerfulness of it ; his uncles ' jokes , the traditional fare of eggs and bagels ; the pervading sense of loneliness after they had all gone home — his uncles last of all .
19 ‘ She 's a tough customer , ’ remarked Melissa when they had finally settled down for the night .
20 When they had both lit up , much to Billie 's dismay , he told the scientist about the harrowing experience with Fruit Juice , about the deadly games that were played in New Orleans and culminated with Trimmler 's death .
21 How could that be , she wondered , when they had never met before ?
22 Inevitably , such paper tigers had no effect on men who had embarked on so desperate a venture , especially when they had never paid more than lip-service to the authority of the Republican politicians .
23 At last , when they had all gone home , I started woozily and happily to clear up .
24 He drank with Brendan Bracken , the red-haired Irishman who many thought was Churchill 's bastard , and slept more than once on a settee in the great man 's flat in Morpeth Mansions when they had all drunk too much whisky — although never while Churchill was in town .
25 When they had all come in he closed it again .
26 He was pleased to see how well they had all mixed , even though they had admittedly come together with a common purpose .
27 Even though they had all agreed beforehand to the principle of a supranational institution , the six states of ‘ little ’ Europe — France , West Germany , Italy , Belgium , the Netherlands and Luxembourg — faced nine months of hard bargaining after they formally began negotiations in June 1950 .
28 Cardiff was now somehow not surprised to find that the sound of the man 's voice was familiar — even though they had never met before .
29 So , in the winter evenings , they would draw the curtains and watch The Sound of Music or Bridge over the River Kwai and feel as though they had never moved out of Twickenham .
30 As they had all gone in , having regard to the number of answers in the form of ‘ nothing to say , ’ it was vital that a proper direction be given .
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