Example sentences of "[subord] they have [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It was announced on June 26 that three of the four were to be charged with the murder on May 27 of two Australians from London , Nick Spanos and Stephen Melrose , who had been shot dead in Roermond in the Netherlands , where they had stopped for a meal , by two gunmen who drove off towards Belgium with a third man .
2 She had met Greg at a film-club meeting , where they had laughed through a leaden documentary on Cuba .
3 Greater peace could be found on a boating pond in Regent 's Park than at the populated end of poor Loch Morar in summer , with speed boats raping its once enigmatic waters and queues of cars waiting for senior citizens in their caravans to unblock the single track road where they have parked in a passing place to brew up a cuppa .
4 In 1347 he promised that the grievances of the Commons should be remedied by Chancery writs against Forest officers , but next year ‘ the commons of the county of Surrey and of other counties ’ complained that although they had sued for a writ in the Chancery , they had not been able to obtain the promised remedy .
5 Although they have worked as a duo since 1987 and have built up a great following throughout these islands and abroad , their respective musical experiences go back much further .
6 But it has such appeal that the casinos are reporting more feverish betting activity than they 've known in a long time .
7 They are perhaps playing a more prominent part than they have done for a long time .
8 One reason that many teachers find the idea of teaching in role worrying is that they feel that once they have embarked on a role they will have to stick with it for the rest of the lesson .
9 In recent years it has been found that a high proportion of patients suffering from piles require no further treatment once they have switched to a high-fibre diet and as a result pass soft stools that can be evacuated with minimal straining .
10 Singer Matt is backed by two girls on drums and bass who look , at a glance , as if they 've walked off a Robert Palmer video shoot .
11 Next day we were visited by a pod of dolphins which behaved as if they had escaped from a circus .
12 The Tree Spirits were discernible now ; it was as if they had broken through a thick veil , through a smothering black curtain , and they were recognisable as distinct forms , moving slowly in and out of the forest .
13 It was as if they had landed on an alien planet , his fear that of awakening the denizens , giant and menacing .
14 The emotions of like and dislike are just as broad as if they had arisen from a total survey of the car .
15 As with the highly misleading phrase Stavrogin 's Confession , critics and commentators behave as if they had got into a huddle .
16 I knew so little about who had held them and how they had got out , it seemed as if they had come from a different world , a different time .
17 This suggests that the boundaries of acceptable behaviour lie beyond mere unreasonableness , that the directors would have been liable only if on no tenable view of the facts could their actions have benefited the company : in other words , if they had behaved in a way that was perverse .
18 The Belfry PGA officials say profit from the match is around £800,000 although they admit this could have been much more if they had allowed in a greater volume of spectators for this , the first ever all-ticket clash .
19 For it hardly damages the contemporary legislature 's ability to work its will if judges decline to speculate about how to read cloudy rules from the dead past or what the intentions of people very different from contemporary legislators would have been if they had thought about a problem they actually ignored .
20 They have relied upon the ideas of novelists and playwrights with no deep interest in cinema , or the work of second-raters who might have produced something good if they had worked within a more stimulating environment , but never had the chance .
21 Similarly , people tend to assume that if they have heard of a band , then they are probably worth going to see .
22 A new rule for the Thames Cup states that no one — except coxes — may compete if they have rowed in an Olympic or heavyweight world championship event .
23 The claim form asks Policyholders if they have suffered from a similar illness previously .
24 If they have come to an arrangement with British Rail under the bus substitution programme and they consider that they are not getting enough money , there will be no cosy chats or friendly discussions in the board room , they will be absolutely ruthless and cut the services .
25 But now that computer animation looks so real , some advertising agencies are insisting that the images they pay For must look as if they have come from a computer .
26 Her brother Mr Bhatti , of Lawrence Street , Dundee , told Lord Osborne that under their faith a couple were not considered to be married until they had gone through a religious ceremony before a Mullah .
27 It was n't until they had come to a halt that she had felt able to raise her eyes from the floor and look at the two men standing by the alter rail .
28 And how are we to make alliances with those women or are we to say that we do not wish to do so until they 've gone through a greater degree of learning process .
29 The publication of intimate details of private lives without the slightest public interest justification can not be the subject of legal action , unless they have stemmed from a breach of confidence or some other legal wrong .
30 However , for ectomycorrhizal fungi in southwest Australia at least , dispersal is by marsupials and germination of spores is unsuccessful unless they have passed through a digestive tract .
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