Example sentences of "[subord] they [was/were] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although they were at the agricultural policies undoubtedly continue to be relevant , still have a significant part to play in many current situations .
2 Complaints are likely to rise , even though the sound levels may be lower than they were during the relative ‘ boom ’ days before the recession .
3 However , the experience in New South Wales so far suggests that sentences under the new dispensation are certainly no lower than they were under the old regime .
4 In terms of space , sunlight and unpolluted air , the squatters are better off than they were in the crowded , unventilated and noisy slum courts .
5 Despite recent improvements , unemployment is more than 20% , and real wages are lower than they were in the early 1980s .
6 Thus most places are now characterized by longer life expectancy , lower fertility , higher average age , smaller household size and more lone-parent families than they were in the early 1960s .
7 Marketing margins in the USA showed some signs of recovery but are still lower than they were in the late 1980s .
8 UNESCO , who has suddenly come alive , has invited the two of them to plan an experimental city in which new technologies and new ways of living can be explored more fully than they were in the real world .
9 In Scotland , however , while differences between the social classes in educational attainment remain , they are smaller in the comprehensive system than they were in the tripartite .
10 Overall during last year , this is to the end of , of November actually because fin figures are n't available for the end of the year , the reduction was four point nine percent , which compares with four point three percent in the previous year , so not only are they still going down , they 're actually going down slightly more than they were in the previous year and that must be encouraging .
11 In the 1990s class divisions are in many respects less consciously felt than they were in the post-war era , but there are other divisions which pose a threat to the sense of community , national identity and social cohesion .
12 All of these matters are embraced much more enthusiastically in the Supplement than they were in the original design bulletin .
13 They are still abundant at present , although a little less common in shallow water sites than they were in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic , but they are conspicuous and varied components of deep water faunas .
14 Wicked persons are also tempted to remove the plates from their own or someone else 's copy and frame them ; the plates and text are much more separable in every way than they were in the old herbals .
15 But the amounts the Poles spent were dwarfed by the way the Nazis used state funds as if they were from the Nazi Party cash box .
16 The 1967 Abortion Act made it possible for women to get abortions if they were in the early stages of pregnancy and could persuade two doctors that they met certain criteria .
17 He listened to the few men who had survived for more than a few weeks and talked of ‘ Blighty ’ and prayed only for a ‘ cushy wound ’ so they could be moved to the nearest hospital tent and , if they were among the lucky ones , eventually be sent home to England .
18 If your cigarette went out the screws would come back and light it if they was in the right frame of mind : all depends who was on .
19 All three quickened their pace to a near run and nobody spoke until they were on the safe side of the orchard wall .
20 It was n't until they were inside the dark hall , and Mark had taken off her coat and carefully hung it up , that shame and humiliation began to return to her numbed consciousness like the blood to her face .
21 Jack reluctantly followed Derek 's vast bulk until they were behind the concrete hut that served as a laboratory .
22 Carolyn and Diana were drawn to each other from the start because they were among the only pupils whose parents were divorced .
23 In the semi-final they meet James Talbot and Michael Nutt of the Old Bleach Club , who will be seeking to gain some compensation after they were in the Old Bleach side which lost this season 's CIS Irish Senior Cup championship final to Carrickfergus by a mere five shots .
24 And when they were over the blue Aegean sea , many miles from Antioch , he circled widely , descended , and alighted on a small mountainous island , on soft green grass beside a grove of apple trees .
25 We have some wry wry smiles from some of the older people er in the group here because they er did n't get much when they were at the formative stages of their careers .
26 When they were in the little hall at the foot of the stairs Francis said : ‘ Is father 's studio locked , Cathy ? ’
27 On the grass in the ruins of the historic priory , surrounded by parochial banners , Ramsey told the crowd that though they were outside the modern diocese of Durham , this was their true home .
28 They were included within the diplomacy of the successor states , even though they were outside the geographical bounds of the one-time Roman Empire .
29 But there were undoubted benefits to both church and state in this set of policies , for they were to the mutual advantage of nationalism and catholicism as these were perceived by their respective institutional representatives , namely the politicians and the hierarchy .
30 He remembered the release he had felt when he had first heard the teachings of Akhenaten , which had cut away the rotten trappings of the old beliefs , festooned as they were with the cynical speculation of the priests .
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