Example sentences of "[subord] he have [adv] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He 's so good seeing he 's only been here two days .
2 It was she who had begged him to make love to her , she recalled , not the other way round , and , although he had n't been exactly reluctant , what man was going to turn down such a blatant offer ?
3 ‘ The Cloak of Invisibility in addition to all else ? ’ said Taliesin lightly , and Fael-Inis said , ‘ Exactly , ’ and Taliesin looked up sharply , because although he had not been entirely flippant , neither had he been altogether serious .
4 He was rather liking this bit of a jaunt , although he had not been very enthusiastic when Goibniu had ordered him to set out .
5 He never said anything , but I knew that he knew , because he was nicer to me than he had ever been before .
6 Ken was busier now than he had ever been before .
7 He was watching the hotel , sitting there like he 'd always been there .
8 If he had n't been so puffed up with conceit , the buffalo that had not been noticed by the Moi might now be basking contentedly in the shallows of the river .
9 There was love in that sofa , I said to George , love for which the Morrisons would have paid a fortune if he had n't been so prissy .
10 If he had n't been so hasty in consoling himself with Lexy , she would have rushed ahead with her usual blind enthusiasm , forgetting all the lessons her broken engagement had taught her .
11 On the other hand , if he had n't been so keen on interfering there would not have been any tension because she would not have been here or even in France at all .
12 If he had n't been so badly injured we would n't have even attempted a rescue until later , but he was in a bad way , so we had no choice . ’
13 He is ‘ a large , hard-breathing , middle-aged slow man , with a mouth like a fish , dull staring eyes , and sandy hair standing upright on his head , so that he looked as if he had just been all but choked , and had that moment come to ’ .
14 In order to give effect to the original intention of the Directive , the House of Lords held that the Regulations should be construed purposively and read as if after the words " immediately before the transfer " the following words were added " or would have been so employed at the time of the transfer if he had not been unfairly dismissed in the circumstances described in reg 8(1) " , ( ie for a reason in connection with the transfer ) .
15 Rufus stubbed out his second cigarette , put the paper into his briefcase and slung over his shoulders the marvellous black leather coat from Beltrami he had bought in Florence , which would have made him look like a gangster if he had not been so fair and ruddy-faced and with such blue , English eyes .
16 He was careful to exchange addresses and telephone numbers and , if he had not been so short of funds , would have suggested buying her a drink at the Ritz , outside which they were both standing .
17 If he had not been so taken aback , he might have suggested a different venue .
18 If he had not been there , none of it would have happened , but because he was there , she had to retain control .
19 Dinner had been cheerful and alcoholic , Kevin playing host to his family and slipping back into his old environment as if he had never been away .
20 He had taken over her affairs again , picked them up as if he had never been away , and she could do nothing about it unless she began to create a great fuss .
21 Doyle , he suspected , would have respected him more if he had occasionally been less accommodating .
22 The Forest boss said : ‘ I watched him in five-a-side training and it was as if he 'd never been away .
23 He just disappeared , as if he 'd never been there at all .
24 If he 's never been particularly affectionate and you 've never complained before , he may find your sudden demands puzzling and irritating , although I hope he realises that you 're anxious to improve things for the sake of the marriage and not just for yourself .
25 GUSHIEST COMMENT : ‘ Every day I find myself becoming so relaxed with him , as if he 's always been there . ’
26 Somebody did suggest that we ask Betty 's husband , but if he has n't been very helpful with the auditor , perhaps he 's not very keen on .
27 Paisley had broken with Kilfedder because he had not been sufficiently outspoken in his criticism of O'Neill .
28 He 'd had an irrational feeling that something must have happened in his absence , simply because he had n't been there , but he was wrong .
29 She gave him a morsel of hope because he had always been so kind to her .
30 He was just there because he 'd always been there .
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