Example sentences of "[subord] he [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sukarno was sent to Surabaya , where he experienced loneliness and sought shelter in the Theosophical Society library where he became acquainted with the great Europeans from Rousseau to Marx .
2 He was reminded of the statements of the stableman who had joined him for a drink at the Bull , situated at the end of Cross Street , and of the café owner where he had stopped for a fried breakfast .
3 In the early hours a Supreme Soviet deputy , Viktor Aivanzian , was shot dead at the headquarters of the Armenian National Army ( ANA — the largest militia group , claiming 160,000 members ) , where he had gone with a contingent from the Armenian Pan-National Movement ( to which the ANA was refusing to subordinate itself ) to discuss a shooting incident of the night before .
4 He had seen them at the County Show , where he had gone for the rabbits , all those girls with plaits and scrubbed faces and clean gloves , doing an exhibition ride .
5 A little later from his bedroom , where he had retired for a rest , he watched through his daughters ' brass telescope as the grey shadow of what had once been the sleek and lively Hari moved slowly over to the sepoy lines with , as usual , the Prime Minister dodging along behind am .
6 The Tories , on the other hand , put oaken boughs in their hats , claiming they did this not merely to commemorate Charles II 's famous escape at Worcester in 1651 ( where he had hidden in an oak tree to avoid the Parliamentary forces ) , but also to show " that with hearts of oak at the bottom , they will stand fast to the old English constitution both in church and state , in opposition to the miscellaneous tribe of atheists , deists , republicans … who triumph in their stolen wool " .
7 He escaped in his pyjamas , and the plaster of Paris on his leg was sopping wet where he had fallen in a ditch , but he was in good spirits .
8 The Padovani family had long been known to John Coffin since they had once run a restaurant near where he had lodged as a young detective .
9 Was this where he had trained as a young man ?
10 After months of negotiations between the Russian , Chilean and German authorities the former East German leader , Erich Honecker , was flown on July 29 from Moscow ( where he had lived in the Chilean embassy since December 1991 — see pp. 38687-88 ; 38782 ) to Berlin where he was imprisoned .
11 Grandfathers and coal-hewing cousins , brothers and the front row of Neath , Homeric schoolteachers and sopranos whose voices had a bell in every tooth made their entrance on to the Oxford stage , mixed in with chorus girls from Cardiff , waterfront villains from Liverpool and the twenty-two-carat glitz of the West End , where he had opened in The Druid 's Rest in January 1944 with fires in the sky at night , bombs falling from the Luftwaffe and pubs and clubs burning excitement under the blackout .
12 1983 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 95 , it was held to be a breach of natural justice , where a licensing board consulted with the director of environmental health at their deliberations , where he had put in a report objecting to the grant of a licence .
13 An example of mistranslation occurred when President Kaunda returned from the Singapore Commonwealth Conference in 1970 , where he had clashed with the British prime Minister over British arms sales to South Africa .
14 He could count himself lucky to have got where he had got in an all-American company .
15 Well , I waited up until three o'clock in the morning and he crawled in with footmarks all over his nice new suit where he 'd fallen on the floor and let everybody trample over him , blood pouring down his shirt from a head wound , a balloon tied round his neck and a paper hat on .
16 The haze of his first cigarette clouded the room briefly and in the streak of light from the curtains he saw the heaped clothes and the mark on the hotel carpet where he 'd knocked over the glass of water .
17 Except he had lived with them-the wild free ones in the mountains and the wild caught ones up at San Carlos-about half his life and that made the difference .
18 He told US financial markets that have been on a roller-coaster in anticipation of his victory that although he had campaigned on a message of economic growth he understood the importance of stability .
19 And , although he had benefited from the publicity surrounding the death and from the cheapness of the star 's replacement , he would also have benefited from Michael Banks 's drawing power , had he survived .
20 She remembered him trying to tell her , sometimes , about the sky and the Thing and where nomes first came from , and she 'd never really understood , any more than he 'd understood about the little frogs .
21 When I asked him to itemize the price , so I could add it up for myself , the total came to over £100 less than he 'd quoted for the bundle .
22 After the first success in the matter of Amy Larner , who was now comfortably situated with Dr Horrocks 's friends in Saxburgh , Edwin Frere found himself a little at a loss , for his parish proved less permeable than he had hoped to the motions of the spirit .
23 Having delayed longer than he had intended at the barrow , he even pumped the pedals on the downhill sections , always anxious about the safety of the curious evidence in his saddle bag .
24 At first he felt more relaxed than he had done for a long time .
25 Curtis remarked to Springfield that he must have seen more action in Rockford in the space of a few days , than he had done in the previous few years .
26 On reporting to the tsar in 1849 , the Minister received the title of Count for providing Nicholas with more information about a group of dissidents than he had had since the exposure of the Decembrists .
27 He told the American writer , John Malcolm Brinnin , that he had learned , from working on the film production , more about writing for the theatre than he had learned in the theatre itself , but that did not prevent him from vetoing the idea , proposed by Sherek , that The Cocktail Party should also be filmed .
28 Not so long since I was in here myself , but I never dreamed Willis had not quite known what to bring , so he 'd decided on a packet of Whiffs .
29 He would have preferred a pub , but somehow that writing-paper had intimidated him so he had agreed to a restaurant .
30 My brother was like that once , he , he used to hate he used to hate he used to hate peas thank you , and once he got invited to a friend of his and there was peas , and he put just of four peas on his plate and said
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