Example sentences of "[subord] he [verb] back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing worth watching on television , so he went back into the kitchen .
2 John Lucero stayed around so long everyone thought he was a local until he went back to the States .
3 Even when he was small , out hunting , and broke his arm , could n't wait until he got back on the horse , used his stock for a sling and rode home . ’
4 ‘ He will be satisfied if he gets back on the Irish team , but it is not possibility he could push himself right to the forefront . ’
5 If he gets back into the England team it will be deservedly so . ’
6 ‘ What if he comes back without the girl ?
7 Anyway , skirt hangers are on springs and it was rather interesting because he came back with a skirt hanger and also a er kitchen roll tube itself , he said I 've got an idea Mr !
8 He told the gatekeeper to keep vigil while he went back to the station for assistance .
9 ‘ She 'd hold out for a while but it would always be made up after he came back with the roses .
10 Elliott Gabellah , vice president of the Rhodesian ANC , met us the day after he came back from the independence celebrations .
11 I spent some time with him after he drove back into the pit-lane and he was very categorical about his decision : ‘ It is simply not worth it , ’ he said .
12 I do not know whether he went back to the château on his own .
13 " Keep tambourine a-rolling , " he said to nobody before he went back into a silence that remained unbroken while he ate his fish .
14 It was an illusion of tired eyes , but before he got back in the car he stood , his collar open , looking up at the sky where there was nothing to see but black , and let the water splash down on his open face , his wet shirt clinging to the skin of his chest and belly .
15 Transfixed by the sudden intensity of his gaze before he turned back to the Empress , she was totally unprepared for what happened next .
16 He shot a quick look sideways at her before he headed back to the road .
17 The only ones I 'll let go are Carly and Bill , they 've got ta catch a plane , er train , and Justin 's got to come back before he heads back to the hotel .
18 and er , he said if he 's not better , any better when he goes back in a fortnight he 's gon na send him to a chest specialist , but you 've been a lot better have n't you ?
19 Ah thought oor Damian was gonny burst a gut laughin' when he cam back fae the school and tellt us whit Miss Mackenzie had had tae pit in the register , the day the incomers signed on .
20 He was turning back towards his car when he looked back with a casual afterthought .
21 When he got back into the kitchen the cat , finally courageous in its search for food , was sitting in the corner .
22 He half expected that the police would be waiting for him when he got back to the pub .
23 ‘ This is very nice , ’ she said , when he got back to the table .
24 There would be punishment waiting for him when he got back to the house .
25 Davis had such a good time in Paris that when he got back to the US , he was so depressed that ‘ before I knew it , I had a heroin habit that took me four years to kick . ’
26 When he got back to the hotel Gentle 's first instinct was to call Jude .
27 The painting in four contrary modes was there to greet Gentle when he got back to the studio .
28 Charles looked a mess when he got back to the car , but Frances made no comment .
29 Garvey was so drunk when he got back to the pageant that he knocked over the ladder twice before opening the trapdoor .
30 When he got back to the car Ivy took it away from him and opened the other end .
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