Example sentences of "[subord] he [verb] me [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I think he was surprised by my reaction , so he asked me to lunch the next day .
2 Again silence , as if he wanted me to hear the sharpness in my own voice .
3 If he wants me to reconsider the changes , I shall , of course , do so .
4 He 's an older man and maybe an easier since he had me galloping the best of my horses lame over you , Owen .
5 This morning you mysteriously slide me a note telling me to ask you out and now you claim I 'm not really a journalist even though my credentials were thoroughly checked out by your plant manager before he let me near the place .
6 I was pleased when he asked me to do the test-flying programme for him and I had no qualms in agreeing , as I knew him to be a meticulous engineer .
7 He , too , was being provocative , quite deliberately making it a clash of wills , but still smiling as he told me to get the bags into the Toyota .
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