Example sentences of "[subord] i give [pron] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So I gave him a clip across the back and told him ‘ No ! ’
2 He kept stealing Nigel 's food , so I gave him a bowl of his own every day . ’
3 ‘ Well he needed a refill so I gave him a hand to push his hand cart into Berkeley last night .
4 Brian needed to shit so I gave him a plastic bag and then left it in the bathroom .
5 If I gave her a pencil she 'd chuck it back at you .
6 Do you think if I , do you think if I gave him a fright , s see the , time he says he 's going off to his granny 's and I say away you go , and my mam says she 's not taking him .
7 At Oxford I discovered that most people were only too willing to be friendly if I gave them a chance .
8 Erm If I gave you a problem about sort of prices of apples and pears
9 And I said , Oh well there we are take it If I gave you a pound
10 well that maybe true , but I think it 's working off an analogy on that , turning it the other way round and saying well erm if , if I got to the stage of erm , well possibly even seeking some information from the commission , well certainly if I gave you a conclusion for example , that it should be referred , erm and I think again even if I came to the conclusion that I should neither want , er there 's no point in seeking information from the Commission , nor should I refer it , or at least refer to the stage erm what his clients would be saying should be done in the interim and what he says in effect , for the reason he 's outlined is , er that we should proceed on the basis of erm the validity of the act erm and of the byelaws
11 I 'm sorry if I gave you a fright .
12 I 'm not comfortable but I suppose if I gave it a go I would get used to it .
13 If I give you a bit of paper and the lot , yeah well you know what to do and go to school and fill them in !
14 I 'm going to bring in some illuminated medieval books for you to have a look at , because what you 're going to do is to write this out in best on special paper using illuminated letters and if you 're very good we will try to get them laminated so that we can keep them as an example of what year seven students can produce as their best work , to say to everybody , hey look at this , this is very good , now we ca n't do that if I give you a sheet of A four paper and you manage to fill less than a quarter of that space , so you 're going to need a minimum of ten different things that you would like to say you think are important , you believe are important , you believe they 're valuable and your homework over the next week is to finish that list if you want it to rhyme , well yes you can work on it to make it rhyme , if you want to have what we call rhyming couplet , er just one moment I have n't said clear away .
15 in another few weeks hard work and you 'll feel very What I 'll do is if I give you a note for a further two months , and we can Is your job safe ?
16 So as I said , if I give you a list of numbers , say two- or three- digit numbers
17 Erm simple as that if I give you a list of telephone numbers you 're not likely to remember them for long , you might be able
18 Erm if I give you a ring about Sunday or so I will have sorted out cos I 've got quite a few to sort out at the moment .
19 ‘ Well , you can still sing for me , ’ said Bernie , ‘ if I give you a dime . ’
20 So if I give someone a bit of a clout now and then , it sort of clears me again . ’
21 that do explain a little bit about Abbey Life products and also have a copy of as well erm they might find that of help before I give them a call .
22 come up when I give you a call right ?
23 And your function is designed as , when I give you a number , you give me the nearest integer , which is just above it .
24 This made for a softer , more innocent and ingenuous ‘ Dora ’ , but perhaps what was needed was a slightly sharper , more bristly Dora with a hidden vulnerability , which came more naturally when I gave her a North London accent …
25 When I gave them a grenade they had n't found , I got another kick .
26 and when I gave them a questionnaire saying how would you label someone as gay they said , we never make those kind of assumptions .
27 He 's trying to make out that I gave it to him when I gave him a spoonful of that … stuff …
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