Example sentences of "[subord] i [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then I became a vagrant and travelled far and nowhere ; now I have come back to be near Callanish again , though quite where I shall go I do n't know .
2 This will not affect your rights to act independently , although I would encourage you to take advice from Mr Popham since he is very experienced in protecting the interests of local residents/community groups in cases where major developments are being proposed .
3 And it was done for the best , although I must admit it did n't turn out like that .
4 When Paul called me back to ask whether he was serious about this , I replied , yes , although I must admit I did n't hear strings and flutes on ‘ Space Oddity ’ at the beginning but once the track was done , it was obvious that it was going to work really well .
5 The outdoor adventures are looked upon as fun and relaxation , although I must say they pay their way . ’
6 Although I must say he did n't seem all that surprised . ’
7 Although I must say you look every inch the boss yourself .
8 ‘ I do n't much mind , although I 'd prefer you stay .
9 Leave you I would , if I did not know you 'd fret your heart out worse than I 'll let you fret your body in the field .
10 It works really well , so I would urge you to upgrade to Word 2 at your earliest opportunity — it 's well worth the £75 upgrade charge .
11 I sent the cheque back , saying that although it had been immensely good of them to bring me up , I must have been a great burden and was now a disappointment , so I would prefer them to keep this money as some repayment for all they had done .
12 When I told Tom Stephenson this , he said nonsense , so I 'll leave them to fight it out .
13 Probably sha n't get back this evening , so I 'll leave you to lock up when you 're through . ’
14 Now , I expect you 'll both want to have a nice cold shower — so I 'll leave you to get on with it , ’ he added , giving them another of his slow , friendly smiles before he , too , made his way back to the larger house .
15 So I 'll leave you to find your own way back to the villa .
16 ‘ It 's Dieter 's section that 's been handling this , so I 'll let him fill in the background . ’
17 Lt Tim Kelly , 45 , a specialist in mobile air operations , said : ‘ I looked for a little girl who had been injured by shrapnel so I could have her winched aboard .
18 There is always something delirious about language — the burgeoning , bubbling Remainder that has been left out of the dry official structure comes crashing through my best-formed sentences — so I can feel it speaking through me .
19 ‘ Four weeks ’ notice is required , I believe , ’ Merrill went on smoothly , ‘ so I should like it to take effect from today . ’
20 So I 'd like you to take charge of the boy for a while . ’
21 So I 'd like you to drive me in the pony and trap , just till I know where people live . ’
22 I may have to nursemaid you , but I 'll be damned if I 'll let you bugger things up for me . ’
23 Some weeks later my brother and I were passing through London , and I asked if I might bring him to see her .
24 I 'm particularly concerned perhaps if I may ask her to show some concern for this herself that the remoteness of the newspaper library , way up in the rustic further regions of the Northern Line , the great virtue of the existing site is that 's on the Inner Circle , the accessibility of this site is really its greatest virtue .
25 He asked if I would advise him to send for Henderson , I said ‘ No ’ , which he said relieved him .
26 He asked if I would advise him to send for Henderson .
27 As it was , I already knew of their resignation as both had phoned me to see if I would give them backing in a boardroom coup .
28 ‘ He said he would be seeing Mr Moi in Bonn the following week , and asked if I would like him to set up a meeting with the president .
29 ‘ I think not ; I have no time , even if I would allow you to tell me something you 've promised to keep secret . ’
30 Anyway , I gave him the gist of what had happened and he asked me if I would let him know if we found her . ’
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