Example sentences of "[subord] i [modal v] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Davison 's manager Tommy Conroy said last night : ‘ Benichou 's people have asked for an extra couple of weeks and , although I 'll have to discuss it with John first , I think we 'll agree .
2 Is Jobson really 30 years old ? 2 million quid seems an awful lot of money for a 30 year old , although I would like to see us buy a really top class centre back .
3 As a penance , she became a hangman , although I would have thought she would more likely have become a candidate for hanging .
4 ‘ That did n't change my feelings , ’ he denied softly , ‘ although I might have known you 'd get the wrong end of the stick .
5 Although I might have known you 'd arrive just as drinks were being ordered !
6 but I 'm afraid it may be quite a time before there 's room for you , although I 'd love to have you . ’
7 ‘ It was an honour to be captain in Cyprus and although I 'd like to say it was not important , it is nice .
8 But I enjoyed your tte — tte with Naomi in that choochy little patisserie , although I 'd like to smack her for one or two of her remarks . ’
9 It is a novelty record in some respects , although I 'd like to think it 's a lot deeper than that too .
10 So that 's an important point and one which is not in Freud 's book although I 'd like to think it would have been , had he written it much later on when , when group erm therapy had become very fashionable .
11 ‘ In the circumstances , although I could have wished he 'd delayed his visit another hour or so , the edge of my temper had become somewhat dulled by recent events .
12 Her moon-shaped face was always split with a smile , even when she was scooping up dog turds with a device the handle of which was at least two feet shorter than I would have wanted it to be .
13 Garry must be a much better lover than I would have thought him , or is it the legacy his godfather has left him that tempts you ? ’
14 He took it like a man , which is better than I would have taken it .
15 I find it boring , it 's not particularly useful — it 's very academic , more so than I would have expected it to be .
16 You see , I had just graduated to the position of providing a horse and cart , and any amount of people wanted that job so I would have lost it , maybe for good , if I had n't turned up .
17 He is also in Year 10 , due to the costs of schooling , so I would like to help his to continue his education .
18 ‘ Oh , well we ca n't afford that , so I 'll have to leave it . ’
19 Unfortunately I 'm going to be busy for most of today lecturing to a group of Japanese businessmen , so I 'll have to leave you in the hands of my assistant .
20 It should have been Princess Voluptua , but her car 's broken down , so I 'll have to put you on or they 'll get rowdy . ’
21 As it turned out , you were n't so vulnerable , but the confusion then was real because it was all fairly new to you , so I could have had you then . ’
22 Everything is flowing remarkably smoothly at present , so I can afford to give you my undivided attention for the next couple of weeks .
23 It was dark , by then , but they have them new electric lights there , so I must have seen him .
24 ‘ You just said that so I 'd stop teasing you about Tom Russell . ’
25 It 's interest-free , so I 'd expect to get it in eleven months and twenty-nine days from giving notice . ’
26 So I 'd like to give him to you .
27 Once I could have seen them off by asserting that I had no interest in such things , preferring to live from one day to the next , unfettered by possessions and responsibilities .
28 If I may start excuse me , my Lord Mayor , by answering something that appears to be confusing the Conservative benches .
29 I always feel happier or calmer with a pen in my hand , for writing is the one activity which gives me an unquestionable dignity and , if I may dare to claim it , an unconquerable pride .
30 Then one day she rang to ask if I would go to see her ; she wanted my advice .
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