Example sentences of "[subord] i [verb] [pers pn] be the " in BNC.

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1 I would be lying to you if I said it was the same now .
2 Campos , who last year won the Three-Quarter Ton Cup in the Farr-designed Lone , would like to be skipper , but is realistic : ‘ I will be the skipper if I feel I am the best . ’
3 Cos I know they 're the things that seem
4 Well what el what 's the other alternative for this VAT ? cos I mean it was the Tories who brought this VAT system into operation , I mean it 's wrong
5 Can I propose that we vote either to go for Southwell Centenary cos I think they are the fav either or , and then we also have another vote for Bramley or Brinkley and then we have a vote between the winners of either of those two ,
6 ‘ I killed her in the field because I believed she was the devil . ’
7 No , because I know ours are the best .
8 I shall work in , because I mean I 'm the one who 's been pushing to get them on this .
9 I wanted to run it because I thought it was the only way we stood a chance .
10 We were using it for drunk driving offenders and repeat traffic offenders , not so much because I felt they were the only people who were appropriate for it , but because we wanted to make sure we started with a group who were not likely to get into major trouble should the project not work out .
11 At the moment erm because of the extra time we 've got available because production investment has been delayed because of ministerial decisions , we 've set in train three further studies and they will look collectively at alternatives , comparison in combat modelling and also in the numbers and if I could describe those three very briefly because I think they 're the they 're relevant to what we 're talking about .
12 Yes , I picked the Froggy because I think he was the most important player who 's LEFT Leeds United .
13 I say that because I think it 's the logical way free rock climbing will progress .
14 ‘ I am standing to win because I believe I am the best candidate to lead the Labour Party to victory next time but also because it is imperative that we have a contest in which a proper debate can take place , ’ he added .
15 My top objective is to get on board because I believe she is the best person for the job .
16 I sit shivering in the armchair in this first-floor flat in Deptford , and I feel I 'm still trapped in a cupboard , listening for strange noises , till I realize they are the last images of the dream , slipping away like ghost bodies melting on the floor .
17 ‘ It 's not a question of whether I feel I 'm the best man for the job .
18 I was so afraid of losing you to Maria Luisa , dreading her return , then it was just too terrible when I thought you were the father of her baby . ’
19 When I say it 's the sort of answer you want I mean it 's the sort that might help you !
20 Just when I think you 're the kindest man in the world you suddenly get the glooms again .
21 As far as I know they are the original studs , measuring 23mm across .
22 Yeah but as I say it 's the same as when you know we come over when we went up to the
23 But as I say he was the most conscientious removal man and after two years when he came in he was so upset .
24 ‘ It is leap year and I lost no time in popping the question as I think he is the right man to lead Claro and Grindlewood Park into the twenty-first century . ’
25 He would n't say what was n't working out , though I guess it was the sexual frustration and not being able to put a date on setting up home together .
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