Example sentences of "[subord] it have [vb pp] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was an essential element of the cause of action in such circumstances that the governmental plaintiff establish that the public interest would suffer detriment in the absence of a remedy ; ( 9 ) in failing to have proper regard to the legislative purpose of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 by which Parliament could not have intended to authorise a local authority to bring libel proceedings , a fortiori where it had suffered no actual financial loss ; ( 10 ) having regard to the scale of costs likely to be incurred it could never be in the interests of the inhabitants of the area for the local authority to mount an action for libel in such circumstances , and certainly was not in their interests in the present case where no injury was alleged to the superannuation fund .
2 In some regions the transformation had taken place much earlier , as in Kent , or Essex , or Devon , where it had taken a different form altogether , and most of the fields had been reclaimed direct from forest and moorland without passing through the open-field stage at all , or had been enclosed from open field at an early date .
3 It was taken by Madeiran emigrants to various parts of the world , including the Hawaiian islands , where it has become the Hawaiian ukelele .
4 The mayors ' plan , targeting $35 billion in fiscal assistance , public works , community development black grants , job training , and low-interest small-business loans , has been taken up in Congress where it has met the famous legislated ‘ wall ’ , which prevents shift of military funds to social programmes rather than to deficit reduction .
5 ( This perception is if anything stronger in the popular culture in the USA , where it has bred an academic response in the form of the Extrovert Professor who can take on anybody , physically or mentally ) .
6 Brazil was a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , but although it had signed the 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America ( the Treaty of Tlatelolco — see p. 22505 ) it had not signed the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT — see p. 22787 ) , and for this reason had been allowed no international shipments of nuclear fuel since 1978 .
7 Although it had contained a tory majority since 1812 the mayor was a reformer …
8 The company is almost entirely dependent on Royal Navy orders , although it has built the odd merchant ship of a more complex kind .
9 My second book , although it has used the same idea of telekinetic powers , has a completely different story line .
10 Each would be asked to notify the IMF within one month whether it agreed to its share as determined by the IMF ; each successor could formally accede to the IMF once it had met the formal conditions specified .
11 Dealing will start on June 1 , although Phonelink is keen go for a full listing once it has hit the three-year trading minimum .
12 However , there are doubts about how much of the Deloitte client list will be left intact once it has left the international organisation .
13 In prehistoric times , if people made the horse feel anxious or afraid it would run like mad until it had seen the last of them : it fled from the problem , which reduced his fear and anxiety .
14 Thereafter it hammers away with great effect until it has excavated a narrow tunnel as much as three feet long .
15 It then works its way back through all the calls until it has completed the final multiplication , when it returns the answer .
16 If the dog tries to follow you wait until it has readopted a sitting posture .
17 Real genes , that encode proteins , are transcribed by an enzyme ( polymerase II ) that has to recognise a DNA sequence outside the gene itself : once it has located that , it will travel along the DNA until it has copied the entire gene into RNA .
18 Ally Pally 's pre-restoration days undoubtedly had associations of tatty romance — they lay in the contrast between the Cecil B. De Mille bravura of the original concept and such visible signs of its decline , as if it had become a Victorian actor/manager unable to gesticulate because of rheumatism .
19 The Leader of the Opposition simply pointed out in an article that he wrote just before the party conference that the proportion of gross domestic product — national income — devoted to education since 1979 had dropped , and that if it had remained the same , the difference would be the figure to which the hon. Gentleman has referred .
20 He jerked his hand back as if it had received an electric shock : a cheek nerve had quivered .
21 as if it had happened a few years ago , Mr Donal John MacLennan , leaning on his metal gate as his sheep thronged the pens of today 's farm at Corry , knew that Johnson and Boswell had been guests in this place , and that they had had good times here .
22 If it had published the full document as originally written , we would know that there are some real nasties in it .
23 As he tackled his cold meat loaf and salad , Hank thought he had better show some interest in his father , so he asked the back page of the newspaper if it had had a good trip .
24 I had never had him down as a kerb-crawler either , but from the state of the car it looked as if it had had a good kicking .
25 That this would be an inappropriate objection is evident from the fact that the Punch cartoon I mentioned earlier would have been almost as funny if it had figured a human fisherman rather than a kingfisher .
26 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
27 And animal minds , a fortiori , do not engage in this sort of computation ( which is why the Punch cartoon would have been less funny if it had shown a human fisherman ) .
28 If it 's done a thousand miles , you 'd get nine thousand five hundred and then cos of the mileage they 'd take off a thousand divided by ten , so they 'd take a hundred pounds off that .
29 if it 's got a nice
30 I ca n't think what building it is then , if it 's got a flat roof .
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