Example sentences of "[subord] it be [adj] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She said : ‘ I am enjoying it although it is difficult for me with the customers as I do n't know the shop . ’
2 ‘ May I observe that this is a rather strange sort of idleness … ’ and he went on to admit that , although it was difficult for him to defend his present way of life , there was purpose in it , even if that purpose was an obscure one .
3 ‘ Any more than it 's possible for me to work up at the college with all those strapping lads running round in jockey shorts and have no reaction whatsoever . ’
4 It was n't easy for him , having to accept that God permitted chance , any more than it was easy for him to be a clergyman in a time when clergymen seemed superfluous .
5 As computer whizzes , the twins ' main expertise is the logic of programming languages , so it is natural for them to discuss story-telling in terms of program-writing .
6 Today children are meeting and playing with children of other faiths so it is important for them to have some understanding and knowledge of each other 's traditions .
7 Some water shrews feed on relatively large fish or newts , so it is important for them to immobilise their prey rapidly .
8 Therefore either the customers must continually be changing identity ( so it is sensible for them to engage in some search ) and some expectation must have been built up about potential high benefits to search , or else search costs must be truly trivial , in order for the potential incumbent to stand a chance of usurping the established firm .
9 ‘ We 've had a run with just two wins in 12 games so it is unusual for us to be disappointed with a point , but I thought we were going to win , ’ said joint Charlton boss Alan Curbishley .
10 ‘ He was watching today so it 's special for me . ’
11 I 've only been to see one game so far this season , so it 's difficult for me to judge , but maybe some of you who 've been more often could speculate ?
12 In order for a fighter to fight in the state of New Jersey , he has to have a thorough medical examination , so it 's hard for me to say . ’
13 I had n't had any kind of pain relief — well , there was n't time ! — but the pain , although very intense , was only for a short time , so it was easy for me to bear .
14 Certainly there were part-time specialists operating in settlements like Palaikastro which had no temple , so it was possible for them to work geographically separate from the temple centres .
15 In order that you may continue with other work ( not necessarily involving LIFESPAN ) , mail messages are accumulated within LIFESPAN until it is convenient for them to be inspected or printed .
16 Because there was no sign that Marian and Allen had regained the highway ahead of them the verderers agreed that there were three possibilities : the first , that the children would lie hidden for some time in dense woodland until it was safe for them to return to the ride ; the second , that they would try to work their way around the Swamp to the north but that since they would be away from paths this would be difficult and slow ; and the third , that they might try to reach the outlaws ' camp by passing the Swamp to the south .
17 If it is impossible for you to release them there make sure they are given their freedom in an area with abundant supplies of nectar .
18 If it is suitable for you , your doctor might suggest Hormone Replacement Therapy HRT to relieve the symptoms .
19 If it is suitable for you , your doctor might suggest Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT ) to relieve the symptoms .
20 If it is necessary for my argument , I am prepared to say that there is , as regards the particular situation under review , a general legal justification , and I will call it ‘ necessity ’ .
21 These will involve their giving notice to the tenant and his being able to withhold consent if it is reasonable for him to do so .
22 If it is difficult for you to get to the post office , the coloured pages in the book explain how someone else can draw the payment for you .
23 If it is difficult for you to visit because of travel costs please discuss this with your social worker as we can usually help with your fares .
24 All aspects of education are necessary to develop a whole personality and every child has a whole personality , even if it is hard for us to see this at times .
25 ‘ And we have to decide if it is sensible for you to go to Baskerville Hall .
26 I can not at present be more specific about when I shall be able to deliver the items to you , but if it is important for you to have a specific time , could I ask you , please , to get in touch in a day or so .
27 If it 's appropriate for him to sit down there with the project manager , then we have n't got a problem .
28 Can I ask , Mr Chairman , if it 's possible for us to have a copy of the reports ?
29 I think whatever age you have a child , if it 's fine for you , then it 's all right .
30 how does it know if it 's bad for you or not ?
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