Example sentences of "[subord] it [is] [adv] being [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We have farms with dioxin-contaminated milk which must be transferred to the west midlands , where it is not being destroyed at the proper temperature , so dioxin is being spread in the west midlands .
2 It was their job to dredge the channel , so it 's not being done any more . ’
3 In a personal injury action these are limitation , date of issue of writ ( if it is not being served immediately ) and the automatic striking out date ( ASO ) .
4 A restraint is considered to be available if it is not being used by another child or adult .
5 Let's come back to our chlorine then and think about well if it 's not being weathered out of the rocks , what 's its ultimate source ?
6 But because it is not being used for the good , no good can come from it .
7 King Alfred brought it into his translation of Boethius too , to explain why divine Providence does not affect free will : ‘ What we call God 's fore-thought and his Providence ’ , he wrote , ‘ is while it is there in His mind , before it gets done , while it 's still being thought ; but once it 's done , then we call it wyrd .
8 Even in the pristine atmosphere , unpolluted by humans , this layer appears highly unstable since it is constantly being formed and broken down , mainly by the action of ultraviolet radiation .
9 T Tanika , which is a good cause , and , and Encafe is , is produced in Nicaragua , although th er whether th whether it 's still being produced , I 'm not absolutely certain
10 Mm yes , erm since the home office secretary 's initiative it 's progressing quite well , with interest from certainly Bassett , Newark Stanton on the Wolds Tollerton and some other of the rural Coldfield areas were interested in going forward , Bassett looked very very interested , we went to a meeting last night , eighteen parish councils were represented , er Beckingham is going to be the first one , they 've got a special that lives there who 's gon na take up the work , Superintendent came down last night to do a circular of em a questionnaire around the village and parish to get find out what people want , and then go and see what the specials able to provide and meet the two together and get some sort of contractive agreement , he 'll work from the police house there , he 'll have access to the car , when it 's not being used by the rural officer , also his radio .
11 I am always told they you should have a trim every 4–6 weeks to get rid of all the split ends but it seems difficult to grow my hair when it 's constantly being cut .
12 It is sensible to keep the camcorder well protected in its carrying case when it is not being used and keep it there when conditions are hostile .
13 When it is not being used for these purposes it is available for use by other organisations .
14 In order to avoid an unwanted conflict of data on the bus , the ADC output must only be enabled when it is actually being addressed by the microprocessor .
15 The reproductive success of a female baboon is fixed when it is still being nursed
16 This general tectonic coral atoll problem has been the one to receive the most attention in the past , though it is now being displaced by morphological , ecological and sedimentation problems ( Stoddart and Steers , ( 1977 ) .
17 The meat does not become tough as it would in conventional steaming , as it is not being immersed in water and it is gentle pressureless steam .
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