Example sentences of "[subord] it [is] [adj] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Tailoring the extent of regulation to the particular circumstances aims to give protection where it is necessary without interfering with the efficient operation of the market where it is not , but it does so at the expense of adding to the complexity of the regulations
2 Its range extends from bass to alto but it is most happy in the tenor register , where it is effective in sustaining or filling in the harmony .
3 Money as an ‘ independent base ’ can not win elections although it is vital in launching a successful campaign .
4 There is urgent need to determine the limits of production … if we are to avoid the danger of trying to extract more from the land than it is capable of yielding .
5 Anthracite black is more of a black grey than a true black , so it is great for tinting other colours to get softer washes .
6 It comes in a streamlined compact so it 's ideal for popping into a tiny bag .
7 A ruling class enjoys hegemony if it is capable of exercising moral and political leadership , thereby achieving the consent of the masses .
8 Article 6 provides that unfair terms shall not bind the consumer but that the contract shall continue to bind the parties upon the remaining terms if it is capable of continuing in existence without the unfair terms .
9 The discrediting of statism has left a massive vacuum at the heart of the Latin American left 's philosophy and the search for an alternative vision to the prevailing neoliberal orthodoxy is one of its most pressing tasks if it is serious about taking power through the ballot box with a radical programme .
10 The chances are that the same cycle will repeat even if it is successful in doing so ; success in innovative technology can not be guaranteed .
11 The chances are that the same cycle will repeat even if it is successful in doing so ; success in innovative technology can not be guaranteed .
12 The company is looking for a 20% share of the 80486-compatible market by the end of 1994 if it is successful in lining up a partner .
13 At no time should you ever share this knowledge with other residents or talk about their affairs , unless it is relevant to improving their care or reviewing it with other members of staff concerned .
14 First , the European Commission in Brussels , probably because it is afraid of becoming completely superfluous once a truly free European market has been realised , is devising ways and means to regulate , or rather , deregulate , the import and export of works of art .
15 Er and therefore it is usually very good foot and leg work and the line of the body er but it 's not , it would n't be ever so good at agility , because it is concerned with holding , with holding your body weight from gravity .
16 Because it 's all about enhancing the area of the war memorial , and I think that should go for next year 's enhancement .
17 There 's also fast access to hundreds of teletext information pages and because it 's capable of receiving the new Nicam transmissions ( see our article on page 10 ) , you can start enjoying your favourite programmes in real stereo , as they become available in your area .
18 Lubrication may be provided by melting between mineral boundaries , but molten material must only form a small proportion of the asthenosphere since it is capable of transmitting S-waves .
19 The region of similarity between DP-1 and E2F-1 is likely to be an important part of their DNA-binding domains , but we can not distinguish whether it is involved in recognizing the E2F sequence per se or if it provides a dimerization domain which then allows sequence-specific recognition .
20 ‘ Towing a whale around in a tiny cage when it is used to roaming the oceans defies belief and serves no purpose in welfare or education terms , ’ he said .
21 When it is ready for harvesting , the fruit of the coffee bush looks like a dark cherry .
22 The housekeeper then has the room serviced and when it is ready for letting , presses the switch in the bedroom which will then show a green light on all boards , indicating that the room is now ready to be let .
23 Can you tell how big a penis will be when it is erect by looking at it when it 's limp ?
24 Washing food does n't actually have much effect on residue levels ( though it 's important for removing dirt and bacteria ) but peeling and removing the outer leaves of foods like cabbages and lettuce reduces residue levels significantly .
25 The Bank has a major role in the foreign exchange market as it is responsible for carrying out government policy with regard to the exchange rate .
26 But do n't add oil to baths if you have spots : try adding powdered seaweed to the water as it 's good for drawing out impurities .
27 It is difficult to imagine the mosaicist working without this tool , for it is capable of fracturing the hardest stones , it is easy to carry , and it can be used with very small pieces of material .
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