Example sentences of "[subord] it [vb mod] to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The draft Structure Plan Review will assess the requirement for new housing land and decide , in general terms , where it ought to be located .
2 OK , so it used to be called ‘ mother 's ruin' and it 's reputation among the more desperate of women as a way of sorting out an inconvenient pregnancy problem might hardly have endeared it to the more sober .
3 Light the paraffin stove now , he thought , crouching uncertainly with a box of matches , wondering if it ought to be propitiated in some way .
4 On the end of this walk that used to bother me , cos it used to be going till four and five in the mo you know in the morning .
5 For a really weird effect , it could be combined with an actual camera movement in the opposite direction ( tracking in and tracking out , so called because it used to be done on tracks like tramlines rather than free wheels ) .
6 I was put off it from an early age because it used to be used in the by-lines in the Daily Telegraph and it sort of and it looked a bit wrong .
7 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
8 If there is a change of harmonic outlook in a piece , I prefer to feel , rather than to know whether it might arrive as a surprise , whether it should be prepared and how , and whether it ought to be pointed out at all !
9 In other words , the treaty was simply introduced as a hindrance that had to be disposed of before other business could be tackled : the vote , negative as expected , was in fact not on the treaty itself , but on whether it ought to be discussed .
10 My hon. Friend 's suggestion is tempting , but I have not heard the record and I am not sure whether it ought to be released .
11 Though it used to be thought that internationalism was the preserve of the large , private corporation , today they have been joined by small firms and many state enterprises .
12 In this epistle he indicates that he himself , at the time of writing , is a solitary attracted by the disciplined life of service in a religious order , but does not feel any burning conviction that that is his calling : I confess , alas , that I do not feel that burning spiritual desire for entry into religion , inspired by that divine grace , as it ought to be felt by those who from zealous devotion and pure desire of the mind plan to enter religion …
13 I was surprised , therefore , to read ( in All Across the Telegraph : a Bob Dylan handbook edited by Michael Gray and John Bauldie , published by Futura ) an essay about the real William Zantzinger ( as it ought to be spelled ) who committed the murder in 1963 and as of 1984 was a respected and prosperous businessman in the same state , Maryland , where he had committed it .
14 A visitor can wander through rooms which reincarnate life as it used to be lived over the last centuries .
15 There are many large quintas in Monte as it used to be favoured by the rich who moved up to their summer houses when it became too hot and humid in Funchal .
16 They were , after all , Soviet citizens , who lived in the Soviet Union , not Russia or Kirghizia as it used to be called .
17 In recent years the evidence for the health benefits of fibre , or ‘ roughage ’ as it used to be called , has grown so strong that it has filtered through from the medical journals and is now well known to the British and American public .
18 The bush — or , as it used to be called , dwarf ( misleading these days in view of the growing popularity of the miniature and patio types ) — is the form that is most popular and commonly planted in gardens everywhere .
19 The basic species type , Rosa pimpinellifolia ( or , as it used to be called , R. spinosissima ) grows very well in most soils , but flourishes particularly in light sandy soils in which it can indulge its natural habit of spreading to form large prickly thickets by means of underground runners and suckers .
20 The speaker had just returned from a ‘ little-known place , in Southern Africa — Lesotho , or ‘ Basutoland , as it used to be called ’ .
21 Even those who seek to be integrated into the new culture ( or ‘ go native ’ as it used to be called ) will remain strangers in the new culture .
22 Appropriate too , because the sudden greening of British politics , the rediscovery of the quality of life ( QOL , as it used to be known among Labour ministers on a previous incarnation ) introduces a catalytic ingredient into the brew known as Thatcherism .
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