Example sentences of "[subord] there [vb -s] been [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where there has been new investment it has been financed largely from income generated in Africa and re-invested locally .
2 The most relevant comparison is probably with southern Italy , where there has been substantial depopulation and many individual agricultural holdings are of economically unviable size and highly fragmented .
3 Your German Shepherd feels insecure away from familiar territory and his aggression is a defence mechanism — a typical syndrome of long-term kennelling , where there has been little socialisation .
4 I stress again that where there has been unlawful subletting which has determined ( and which has not been waived ) there has been a breach which at common law entitles the lessor to re-enter : nothing can be done to remedy that breach : the expiry of the subterm has not been annulled or remedied the breach : in such a case the lessor plainly need not , in his section 146 notice , call upon the lessee to remedy the breach which is not capable of remedy , and is free to issue his writ for possession , the possibility of relief remaining .
5 Where there has been malicious tampering of a product , if this occurs before the time of supply by , for example , an employee of the manufacturer , the latter will be strictly liable .
6 It is clear from the right hon. Gentleman 's first attempt to amend regulation 72 that the Government 's motive is to save money and administration — the motive is so absolutely blatant that I am amazed that even the Parliamentary Under-Secretary , whose eccentricities are well known , could not deny the obvious — while , at the same time , blocking or restricting back payments of entitlement , even where there has been official error .
7 where there has been improper admission or exclusion of evidence ;
8 Macklin acknowledges that there has been a learning curve , particularly with regard to the siting of base stations where there has been some duplication of coverage .
9 Stability tests on pilot batches and on first production batches should be carried out not only in the case of new products but also where there has been any change in the formulation of the product or in the source of the raw materials used or in the equipment used in manufacture or filling or in the method of manufacture or filing .
10 Although there has been intermittent interest in this area since that time , it is only more recently that there have been suitable techniques for more effective study .
11 In Britain these are in a state of flux although there has been much discussion about the role of the inspector over a long period of time .
12 In describing the framework , we have not focused on the types of individuals who might be most productive and , probably at the same time , most comfortable in each quadrant , although there has been much speculation about this in our discussions with managers and researchers .
13 Although there has been much research on the determination of asset prices , there has been little research on what determines the volume of turnover in asset markets .
14 But although there has been detailed research on several rhynchosaurs , there are still important controversies surrounding their diet and their mode of life , their significance in Triassic ecosystems , and their taxonomic position ( that is , their relationship to other kinds of reptiles ) .
15 The University has been fortunate in attracting high quality staff to fill new lectureship posts although there has been some difficulty in filling senior posts , particularly in business and management , which is an area of acute national shortage .
16 Although there has been some change in the distribution of wealth in Britain this century , this has largely taken place within the richest 10% .
17 Furthermore , we keep hearing about other conferences being planned in Paris and in Hannover , Panofsky 's home town , and then we heard there has been a proposal that the International Congress of the History of Art in Berlin ( 15–20 July ) should have a whole section devoted to Panofsky , ( although there has been some disagreement about this recently ) .
18 Although there has been some success in attempts to halt such ceremonies , or at least to make them less dangerous or humiliating , there is evidence that they are a perennial aspect of group behaviour unlikely to be eradicated .
19 Although there has been some improvement , comprehensive preparation for an adult life , which includes employment , is not readily available to all who might need it .
20 The acquisition of verb-phrase anaphora has not been investigated in previous research , although there has been some research into the acquisition of other cohesive devices such as conjunctions ( e.g. because ) and pronouns ( e.g. he/she ) .
21 Although there has been some ambiguity in previous research about the central-peripheral distinction , it is relatively clear in this case that central should refer to the information which is actually required for the task of driving , the remainder being peripheral .
22 This is similar to optical character recognition ( OCR ) which has concentrated mostly on machine-printed characters , although there has been some effort on handwriting as well .
23 Although there has been some fluctuation in private sector figures , this is nothing compared with the dramatic decline shown in the public sector figures .
24 Although there has been considerable support for a Teachers ' Council , the proposal has made little headway .
25 Mr Yeltsin and the West have a shared interest in claiming the biggest figure for the aid package , so there has been little dissent over the headline-seizing ‘ $13 billion ’ .
26 I do n't I mean I know I I 'm very busy , I 've got stuff that I should have done , months and months ago , that I have n't got round to doing yet , cos there 's been all sort of interruptions .
27 Either he can at once accept the anticipatory breach as a repudiation and immediately claim damages or else he can refuse to accept it as a repudiation and wait until there has been actual failure to perform the contract ( as opposed to an anticipatory one ) .
28 Continue until there has been some resolution of the inner conflict .
29 The second wave occurs at puberty when the young person looks for a sexual partner , and if there has been minimum conflict during the phallic phase this is of the opposite sex .
30 If there has been tricky manoeuvres I would have ignored the set course and followed my own , turning a circle if necessary : this was a schooling round , not an attempt to win a rosette .
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