Example sentences of "[subord] if [pron] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The increased dose they would get from having Hinkley C on their doorstep , according to Jeremy Western ( a manager from the Board 's Health Physics department who confidently fronted the radiation case ) was less than if they had simply moved from one part of Britain to another — where the ‘ natural ’ background radiation happened to be higher .
2 By resorting to a money-lender it became more difficult to conceal their embarrassment — than if they had merely run up bills with retailers .
3 Town 's drugs are often made in Britain , flown to the Far East or some other convenient staging post and then brought back on the next night — to be sold more cheaply than if they had never left Britain .
4 If I may anticipate a point which , I know from experience , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) may in due course seek to make , those increases mean that , when looked at alongside the extra help that we have made available in the past four years through income-related benefits for the less well-off families with children , which will amount to some £600 million next year , total expenditure on help to families next year will be higher than if we had simply increased child benefit each year since 1987-88 .
5 On the whole Karelius thought not ; Lapointe 's attentions were rather more extravagant , and less proprietary , than if he had already achieved his goal .
6 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
7 They have been fed non-sexist , multi-cultural books and toys along with their strained apricots ; they have been treated by female GPs , they have sat and watched Kaffe Fassett knitting and sewing on TV , but their ideas of male and female roles are as sexist as if we had never made the effort .
8 erm This has a knock-on effect insofar as if they 've once given up the physical sciences , then it means that they 've given up all hopes , when they leave school , of following a , a job or a profession , of courses in further or higher education , in technological , engineering subjects .
9 His expression remained as unchanged as if she 'd never spoken , and she was gripped all over again by a longing to shatter that icy exterior .
10 Pascal warned that ‘ hearsay is so far from being a criterion of belief that you should not believe anything until you have put yourself into the same state as if you had never heard it . ’
11 When we chatted , Hastings looked as composed as if he 'd just spent the afternoon at his office rather than sending Wales homeward to Cardiff to think again .
12 Ray Shepherd looked up at them as coolly as if he had just driven in to work on a routine day .
13 Reliefs and deductions can be obtained by the taxpayer in the same way as if he had actually received the income ( s743(2) ) .
14 He rose to his feet , making it clear the question was rhetorical , as Gina , feeling as humiliated as if he had actually slapped her face , tried to hide her chagrin by swallowing the remains of her coffee .
15 The front of the jeep was as clean as if it had just come off the boat from Japan .
16 At once I can see Annexe B , Summerchild 's list of possible members of the Unit , as clearly as if it had just come out of the porridge oats box .
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