Example sentences of "[vb mod] not be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These restrictions apply not only to the photographing of sacred objects but also , for example , to the recording of songs ; many songs are exclusive to men or women , and must not be played to mixed audiences .
2 This public duty must not be influenced by private and personal interests .
3 Anyway , these must not be dismissed with hasty suggestions ; it is extremely important to my mind not to discredit the zoophile cause by sounding idiotic and to take great notice of the knowledgeable people who are concerned with managing these creatures even if one does not like their attitudes .
4 Because , according to Pöhl , ‘ monetary policy must not be obstructed by fiscal policy ’ , an ‘ independent ’ central bank would not only be completely unprecedented in recent history , it would also represent an immense concentration of power in the hands of unaccountable bankers , who would perforce be implementing policies which might be very unpopular , within an area in which there may well not be the kind of national consensus which obtains in Germany .
5 There 's a littleness about it all : again it must not be seen as mere chance that we encounter Swift 's Lilliput on the first page of the novel .
6 This complexity must not be reduced to simple hypocrisy , although there is of course some of that .
7 We welcome the fact that a study is being undertaken to assess potential resources in the Bristol Channel and trust this will help to identify important physical relationships that must not be prejudiced through excessive dredging .
8 We welcome the fact that a study is being undertaken to assess potential resources in the Bristol Channel and trust this will help to identify important physical relationships that must not be prejudiced through excessive dredging .
9 The maintenance of high academic quality , especially in a period of expansion , must be of paramount importance for this University and must not be prejudiced by inappropriate or excessive efficiency measures .
10 There is the need to protect the anonymity of public servants whose loyalty to different political leaders must not be jeopardized by public exposure .
11 Educational dogmatists who insist that middle-class values ( and hence , speech ) must not be foisted on working-class children ; a society which has never had any real commitment to the idea of education as a key to social mobility ; guilt-ridden liberal sentimentality about working-class cultural identity .
12 We must not be panicked by short-term problems . ’
13 Pages , venerably yellow , should not be cased in military morocco , but in sober brown russia …
14 The additional attraction of moving to a central control , for some , is that it has often been argued , and increasingly so over the past 20 years , that debt charges do not measure ‘ cost of service ’ and should not be charged to detailed revenue accounts anyway .
15 Today sees the start of National Chip Week , during which the Frozen Food Information Service will endeavour to persuade the British public that the humble chip is , in fact , an important part of a healthy diet and should not be condemned by would-be nutritional experts .
16 Electrophysiological assessment should not be limited to programmed ventricular stimulation but should include a comprehensive evaluation of sinus node , AV node , and His-Purkinje function .
17 For example , despite her attachment to an extra-textual and pre-linguistic domain of mental activity , Nathalie Sarraute 's work , according to Heath , should not be limited by interpretative strategies which are fundamentally referentialist in orientation .
18 In public , Mr Salinas argues that Mexico 's future should not be based on cheap labour .
19 It is one thing to provide ( as in section 6(3) ( b ) ) that in the absence of special arrangements parental preferences is to prevail over a desire to keep places vacant on , for example , religious grounds : it is quite another to say that when some parental preferences are to be denied in any event as must be the case under section 6(3) ( a ) ) the choice of those parental preferences which are to prevail and those which are to be defeated should not be based on religious criteria .
20 The amount of a christian 's concern for these issues should not be based upon denominational preference or doctrinal bias , but upon a willingness to allow the compassion of loving God to affect us at the deepest level of our beings .
21 The more fundamental point about exchange rates is that they should not be maintained at artificial levels as is certainly the case at present , when sterling has to be supported by 14 per cent interest rates .
22 The Cork Committee considered that section 245 should not be extended to fixed charges since the charge would relate to the company 's existing assets whereas the floating charge could cover future assets .
23 We do not see why the advantages should not be extended to working class people whose wages are too low to bring them within income tax limits ’ ( my italics ) ( Labour Party/TUC , 1929 , para. 4 ) .
24 These tours of the countryside should not be viewed as compulsory itineraries .
25 Even in the same sample , however , other modes whose frequencies are insensitive to the local environment may well give quite narrow bands , and glasses ( best formed by condensation from the gas phase onto a cold surface ) should not be ignored as possible samples for the study of vibrational spectra .
26 In terms of equilibrium theory , Bukharin was concerned that the existing , and fragile , equilibrium should not be destroyed by untoward leaps which would threaten the Soviet regime .
27 [ J. ] should not be placed on prolonged life support using a ventilator in an intensive care unit .
28 During any in-flight manoeuvre involving change of aircraft attitude — and also during any change in the aerodynamic configuration of the aircraft — absolute reliance should not be placed on instantaneous reading , or indicated rates-of-change or pressure dependent instruments .
29 This means that its status should not be imposed through constitutional endorsement . "
30 Francis Bacon took that line when he suggested that , in seeking to understand the immediate causes of physical phenomena , the experimental philosopher should not be diverted by metaphysical considerations concerning the purpose of the phenomenon in question .
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