Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [vb infin] [prep] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The newly-elected councillor must not expect to be elected to the more important committees unless he has special qualifications for any committee .
2 Companies should not continue to be penalised by a reference to an inherent uncertainty in the auditors ' report when the directors have given it prominent and full disclosure .
3 Because generations of hard working and poorly-paid working people have shown enormous resilience and good humour in coping with substandard housing , polluted air , lifeless local rivers and streams and degraded surroundings , it does n't mean that efforts to improve air quality , the quality of rivers and also , no less , the quality of the surrounding landscape should not continue to be made with all the imagination and expertise the community has at its disposal .
4 In a clamp-down on crime , the Home Secretary has said that offenders cautioned by police should not expect to be given a second chance .
5 We who teach should not expect to be valued as ‘ professionals ’ if we can not be trusted .
6 First , the voice should not need to be helped .
7 ( symbolic action should not have to be explained ! )
8 This type of linguistic material is sometimes described as ‘ performance-data ’ and may contain features such as hesitations , slips , and non-standard forms which a linguist like Chomsky ( 1965 ) believed should not have to be accounted for in the grammar of a language .
9 Harris research director Robert Waller may not care to be reminded of a quote attributed to him in The Independent on Sunday on March 8 at the start of the campaign : ‘ Oh yes , it 's exciting .
10 The literal translation of onyxectomy , however , is simply ‘ nail-cutting-out ’ and that is what vets are doing , even though they may not like to be reminded of the fact when they record their day 's work .
11 For example , a superior variant of a module may exist but not be used in a package and consequently may not require to be transferred as part of the package .
12 Longer term aims may not require to be re-stated after just one year 's experience — numerous changes of direction will only serve to confuse , but they should be re-examined in the light of progress in attaining short term targets and the development plan should be altered accordingly .
13 While the recommendations of the Code may not have to be followed in every case , tribunals hearing unfair dismissal claims are entitled to take note of any breach of the Code .
14 Mr Cash and his Friends of Bruges seem to want to fight a battle against federalism today which may not have to be fought at all .
15 According to the type of enterprise chosen , certain formalities may or may not have to be carried out , those participating in the finance of the company may or may not be protected by limited liability , and the potential growth and financial resources of the enterprise may also be determined .
16 For example , the last syllable of teacher may not need to be distinguished in the tree until the addition of another word of two or more syllables such as tedious .
17 Now , clearly , in many circumstances where the property of an adjective matches a speaker 's perception , it may not need to be assigned — i.e. stated explicitly to be valid for the entity concerned — on the grounds that it is felt to be a characteristic sufficiently basic to the entity not to need assignment , as opposed to being called upon as an initial qualifying and identifying element .
18 An Anglican may not wish to be seduced into all the absurdities of church politics , still less into the hobby of church ceremonial .
19 ‘ Besides , has the possibility not occurred to you that you yourself may not wish to be released ?
20 An insecure man , she knew , might not want to be married to someone more powerful than himself .
21 Perhaps he and Laetitia should forget their search for their missing brother or sister , who , after all , might not want to be found , and let the past look after itself ?
22 I was asked to be discreet as the lady in question , a possible grand-daughter living on the island , was of affluent mien and might not like to be reminded of her origins .
23 But other shocks to the system followed in quick succession : a new language and culture ; the insensitivity , not always unintentional , of foster parents , teachers and hostel administrators ; the cruelty of other children ( and some adults ) who equated all things German with Nazism ; the coming-to-terms with the long-term or permanent loss of family and friends who had been left behind , and the awareness that refugees could not expect to be treated other than as second-class citizens — to mention only the common causes of illness and depression .
24 Whereas it would have been possible to ask Harriet Finlay Johnson , ‘ What are you teaching this lesson ? ’ and the answer could easily be something like , ‘ The Spanish Armada ’ , one could not expect to be given an equivalent answer from Peter Slade , Brian Way or the Speech and Drama teachers .
25 Unfortunately insufficient members turned up to achieve a quorum , but ex-chairman , Robin Brookes , took the opportunity to state that the guild could not continue to be run on a rotation of volunteers .
26 ‘ The style of writing is lively and straightforward , and the reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented . ’
27 Alum pot itself could not fail to be noticed by the first settlers in the district , its yawning gulf constituting an obvious danger to both man and beast ; in the course of time , a wall was built around it and trees planted to indicate its position .
28 He genuinely had little concern with making money for its own sake , but he could not fail to be infected by Marjorie 's martyred attitude to their shortage of cash , and he resented being reminded of it by Kegan 's sleekness .
29 The Republic was associated with virtue and austerity , so that society could not hope to be improved until the regime responsible for this fearful debauching of the public mind was overthrown .
30 But I could not bear to be supplanted in a view that lay next to my heart by an old acquaintance .
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