Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] without [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It would also mean that any changes to the system at this stage could be rectified without high costs being incurred .
2 Mr Bangemann explicitly appealed to other European leaders not to suggest that German reunification was an immediate political issue or one which could be decided without dramatic changes in the political and security situation in Europe as a whole .
3 There is a long tradition among revolutionary thinkers and activists that communist society would be administered without bureaucratic relationships between political leaders and the people — without , that is , an apparatus which represented the particular interests of a dominant class and which was divorced from those engaged in production ( Hegedus 1976 , p. 17 ) .
4 No large-scale drilling would be allowed without on-site inspections ; any large commercial explosions would have to be notified and inspected ; a highly sensitive seismic and radiation-detector network would pick up seismic activity all over the world ( useful for earthquake prediction too ) and satellites would keep a close check on suspect areas .
5 The product shows what can be done without formal specifications , however just how much of a lead the company has given itself is debatable : IBM said that its network node specifications will be published at the end of the month for public scrutiny .
6 Such increases can be achieved without additional visits in the routine immunisation schedule , and would also provide an added incentive for programme managers to ensure high rates of compliance at the 6 or 9 month visit for measles vaccination .
7 In practice , university librarians have tended to identify the types of material which are cheapest to relegate , especially those whose location can be moved without major alterations to the catalogue records .
8 He states that : ‘ if a similar stage can be quickly reached in tropical LDCs ( Least Developed Countries ) , and if plantation forests can be established without serious problems of ecological sustainability or pest outbreaks , then prospects for future timber availability are brighter than the currently rapid rates of deforestation in many tropical countries would at first suggest ’ .
9 The best policy , according to the monetarists , is for the authorities to aim for a steady growth in the money supply in order that economic growth can be accommodated without undesirable fluctuations in money incomes and prices .
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