Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [vb pp] by [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The maximum requirement was that Galileo should be warned by the Commissary of the Inquisition that if he were to hold , defend , or teach the Copernican doctrine in any way , he would be imprisoned .
2 From around six weeks you should be rewarded by an answering smile .
3 On this principle , it has been authoritatively stated that no injunction should be granted by the civil courts to restrain the dissemination of allegedly obscene books , as such a step would pre-empt the ultimate decision of a jury .
4 Real ale is a natural product that should be served by the natural methods described above .
5 Thus Macaulay thought that the Revolution " finally decided the great question whether the popular element … should be destroyed by the monarchical element , or should be suffered to develop itself freely , and to become dominant " .
6 I 'm not saying that negotiations should be completed by a certain date , but that the matter should come back to court by a certain date so that there is therefore er er is a time , an incentive for the
7 As a compromise , the BCP proposed that the President should be elected by the present parliament , but with a mandate extending to the period of office of the next Grand National Assembly .
8 The party has already accepted the committee 's recommendation that a devolved Scottish Parliament should be elected by the additional member system of proportional representation .
9 The party has already accepted the committee 's recommendation that a devolved Scottish Parliament should be elected by the additional member system of proportional representation .
10 In my Bill , for which I seek a Second Reading today , the provision is that Parliament should be elected by the single transferable vote in the first instance , but thereafter , in subsequent elections , Parliament should be free to determine its own electoral system as long as that is consistent with the principles of proportionality .
11 The rectum was most compliant at low pressures and declined with increasing distension pressure until no further progress in compliance between the pressures of 30 to 40 cm H 2 O. Because non-linearity it is doubtful if rectal compliance should be characterised by a single value .
12 The need for laboratory investigations should be determined by the clinical problems posed by individual patients and only a few tests need be considered as routine ( table III ) .
13 However , provided that the enforcement mechanism is there , Parliament has made no requirement that changes in the disciplinary regulations should be scrutinised by the statutory machinery or that existing disciplinary regulations , including any appellate jurisdiction , shall be so scrutinised .
14 This theme emerged when Peltier ( 1950 ) identified nine different and possible morphogenetic regimes each of which should be distinguished by a characteristic assemblage of geomorphic processes .
15 The general lines of reform must be to permit increases on prewar standard rents which will cover maintenance costs with a certain allowance for arrears ; but these costs should be certified by the relevant local authority and only collectable upon that authority 's certificate that the appropriate standard of maintenance has been attained .
16 The amendments provided in particular ( i ) that the word " Socialist " should be removed from the Croatian republic 's name , leaving it as the Republic of Croatia , and that a new flag and coat of arms should be devised ; ( ii ) that the Cyrillic alphabet , still the main medium for the 600,000 Serbs in Croatia ( 4.5 per cent of the republic 's population ) , should be derecognized for most purposes , except in those areas where a majority still used it ; and ( iii ) that the presidency of the republic should be replaced by a new system involving a president and six vice-presidents , while the executive council of the republic should be redesignated as its government .
17 In May 1990 the UNDP published its first Human Development Report , which proposed that the traditional macroeconomic yardsticks , favoured by the World Bank and other international financial institutions , should be replaced by a new indicator , the " Human Development Index " ( HDI ) , which would take into account life expectancy , degree of literacy and individual purchasing power , since traditional indicators were often distorted by exchange rate fluctuations .
18 There have been suggestions that is should be replaced by a new law of criminal defamation , which would make it an offence deliberately to publish a serious falsehood .
19 Every staff member who leaves , retires or ceases their employment of the Bank , should be replaced by a full-time official .
20 The Society of Authors set up a powerful lobby , which convinced a Parliamentary Committee that the common law of obscene libel should be replaced by a modern statute which afforded some protection to meritorious literature .
21 It has been suggested that this linear design process should be replaced by a cyclical process , whereby at each stage of development of the system there would be opportunity for feedback and influence from the users and their representatives .
22 Some economists have also suggested that the present sales taxes should be replaced by a valued added tax .
23 1988 ) the government agreed that attendance and financial-loss allowances should be replaced by a basic flat-rate allowance , but not at rates proposed by Widdicombe .
24 Franz Romer of the conservative Christian Democrats has proposed that the church levy should be replaced by a cultural and social levy for all .
25 separate legal rules applying differently to different types of credit transaction should be replaced by a single set of rules covering equally all forms of ‘ security interest ’ ( how lenders try to secure what is owed to them , for example , by a right to repossess what is bought with the borrowed money ) .
26 ‘ The committee generally are strongly of opinion that larceny , embezzlement and fraudulent conversion should be replaced by a single new offence of theft .
27 This report stemmed from the recommendation of the Schools Council in the early 1970s that the dual examination systems of GCE and CSE should be replaced by a single system at 16 plus .
28 Kaifu had proposed to the Diet on Sept. 11 that controls on political donations should be tightened ; that political parties should receive public subsidies ; and , most importantly , that Japan 's electoral system of multi-member constituencies should be replaced by a hybrid system in which 300 Diet members would be appointed from single-seat constituencies and another 171 by a process of proportional representation from party lists .
29 The Duke of Norfolk says the Lords should be replaced by an elected chamber , and Earl Spencer — brother of the Princess of Wales — does not attend because he acknowledges that the system is undemocratic .
30 Similarly , education in library use , often involving planned programmes should be given by the professional library staff .
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