Example sentences of "[vb mod] be [verb] take a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Friction led to furious rows and the rows led to Willy demanding that he should be allowed to take a room where he could look after himself .
2 This class of Design and Technology pupils at the Archway School in Stroud should be preparing to take a test in the subject .
3 ‘ And he seemed such a nice young man , ’ said Ianthe helplessly , for by what standards was one to judge the kind of person who might be allowed to take a book out of the library if not by the usual ones of manner , speech , dress , and general demeanour ?
4 Even more importantly it showed that millions of electors could be made to take a stand in favour of the League of Nations , towards which many Conservatives were cynical or even hostile .
5 If your Mob is taking high casualties you could be forced to take a panic test , resulting in your archers fleeing and panicking other Goblins .
6 The purchaser may be tempted to take a stance it might not have chosen if the same negotiations had taken place at a later stage .
7 Such applicants may be asked to take a test or take part in some other selection procedure to assess whether they are likely to be able to cope with the work expected of a university student .
8 The second point is that you may be asked to take a drug test at any squad session .
9 If you are at EO grade or above , working full time , you may be required to take a job beyond daily travelling distance which would require you moving house .
10 Candidates offering ‘ AS ’ level French may be required to take a language aptitude test .
11 Candidates offering ‘ AS ’ level Irish may be required to take a language aptitude test .
12 In one organization managers may be expected to take a directive style in the management of their subordinates .
13 There are other considerations to take into account when transferring three- and four-colour patterns to the console and we shall be starting to take a look at these next time .
14 A driver will be tempted to take a risk while there is no apparent police presence .
15 The Jolly Roger Quaffers raised more than £400 for charity , which will be used to take a party of under-privileged children to Drayton Manor park and zoo .
16 A recent scrutiny of public sector job advertisements reveals such phrases as : ‘ You will be expected to take a lead on all aspects of work in the Division . ’
17 Du n no if Bonnie will be allowed to take a week off school .
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