Example sentences of "[vb mod] become [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It makes a refreshing change from some of today 's more powerful and aggressive perfumes , and like Guerlain 's other fragrances , Samsara should become one of the great classics .
2 While not representing a complete list of provisions these sections map out the range of professional social work services which should become available at the local level to deal comprehensively with difficulties that might arise in the life of a young person .
3 The headteacher believed that everyone on site should become aware of the new atmosphere and how it could be managed .
4 We must become involved in the world-wide search for new and better ways to preserve and protect the environment . ’
5 However , if surveyors are to keep up with the inevitable changes taking place , they must become familiar with the new contracts .
6 Secondly , people must become conscious of the opposed interests and fight them out through political struggle .
7 Content — however radical — can always be appropriated by the existing cultural powers ; for Benjamin , then , cultural politics must become more of a running guerrilla war , in which any appropriate materials , tactics , techniques and relationships may be used .
8 Then , as you approach the south , everything changes ; you 'll become aware of the increasing heat and notice the sunblasted mountains , long hot sandy beaches and lively , modern resorts .
9 Copies of the digest have been sent to all district councils , district sports councils and sports development groups and I am sending copies to governing bodies for information in the hope that the governing body itself or your district associations might become involved in the local planning process .
10 These observations suggest that an anamnestic responses to the patient 's own virus might become reactive by the foreign , but still related , protein .
11 Governors , parents and others might become sceptical about the other people 's intentions .
12 For practical purposes the easily observable amenorrhoeic period can be taken as a proxy for the anovulatory period , though ovulation can precede the first menstruation after birth , so that women may become pregnant during the amenorrhoeic period .
13 If you do not do this the muscles may become fixed in a shortened state , putting a strain on joints and various internal organs .
14 This is because if it is not reserved as rent , the Stamp Office take the view that the application of the " contingency principle " means that stamp duty is payable on the full amount of VAT which may become payable over the whole term of the lease .
15 A patient 's eyes may become sticky through a watery discharge which can be very uncomfortable and will need regular cleaning .
16 Sooner or later it may become impossible for an elderly person or couple to continue living in their own home without support .
17 The company and its 15 systems management products , which will be integrated as Open V*OPSS by the end of the year , may become central to the Common Open Software Environment 's systems management efforts .
18 In the early stages of pregnancy , or even at conception itself , a mother may become aware of a living presence within her body , sensing its spirit before there are any physical symptoms at all .
19 Cecily Robinson brought her three leading dancers , Patricia Murphy , Lillian Graham and Luyt , to Johannesburg four days early , so that they could become used to the high altitude , which would affect their breathing , and to the steep rake of the stage .
20 Lenin believed that bureaucracy would become redundant after a proletarian revolution which would provide for the instant revocability of every civil servant , the reduction of official salaries and the simplification of control and accounting functions in society .
21 Sometimes , waiting on the Embankment in the summer gloaming , one would become conscious of an approaching figure , and an arm would be slipped round one 's waist , and a voice , in imitation of Bing Crosby , would croon , ‘ Moonlight becomes you , it goes with your hair ’ , and then one had to move away , tactfully , but smartly .
22 Eventually there would be what is called a phase transition and the symmetry between the forces would be broken : the strong force would become different from the weak and electromagnetic forces .
23 Still , the crux of this particular and oddly poignant interview would become evident with the flippant and pointed question , ‘ Are you making lots of money now ? ’
24 The airstrip , which will also be occupied by Canadian forces , will become one of the major staging areas for food deliveries .
25 The direct provision of information , and the clear signposting of ways into information resources will become one of the dominant roles for the Town Hall in the years ahead .
26 As will become clearer in the following chapters , we believe it is more constructive to view the use of heroin or other drugs as a complex social behaviour determined by a multiplicity of causes , not least of which is the normal human desire to ‘ feel high ’ ( be happy ) in an increasingly hedonistic world .
27 National trade deficits will become meaningless under a European monetary system with a common currency .
28 Under the agreement with BioNumerik Pharmaceuticals , IBM will become involved in a joint effort dedicated to the development of parallel computing hardware and software for the design of a new generation of cancer treatment drugs .
29 The reasons for this allocation of lawyers to cells will become apparent as the deviant cases — those in which the client 's chosen outcome was rejected — and the doubtful cases are examined .
30 Equally , as will become apparent in the ensuing analysis , Nizan 's willingness to link literature and propaganda does not originate in a philistine effort to destroy culture but , on the contrary , in an attempt to show that literature , ideology and politics are intimately interconnected , and that the task of the revolutionary writer is to seek out artistically convincing ways of fusing revolutionary ideology within the matrix of literature .
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