Example sentences of "[vb mod] only be the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the irregular payments for which Stan Flashman 's club were punished may only be the tip of the iceberg .
2 What looks like a dead end may only be the result of personal weakness .
3 The ‘ party ’ of the future could only be the mass of the labouring population , for as he wrote in 1950 , in his self- proclaimed masterpiece : ‘ State Capitalism and World Revolution . ’
4 Ninety may be a good age but who knows for the horse the IRA could n't kill this could only be the start of the search for pastures new .
5 It could only be the hand of a man , and for a moment she stood quite still , hesitating to pick it up , filled with a gloomy presentiment .
6 my Lord that , that must be right because that would only be the way in which they could give negative clearance , because the clause or the membership rules were inappreciable
7 Thus , while they should be drafted , so far as possible , to withstand judicial scrutiny , they will only be the subject of litigation in exceptional cases .
8 Often this will only be the recovery of an insurance excess where the accident was caused by the third party .
9 These figures can only be the tip of the iceberg when we see the low rates of eligibility for maternity benefits and full time participation in the paid labour market for mothers with young children ( S. McRae , Maternity Rights in Britain , 1991 PSI ) .
10 Greenpeace say that this can only be the tip of the iceberg , as far more arrives clandestinely .
11 Given the pluralistic nature of society , they can only be the product of hysteria and demagogic manipulation .
12 The demise of capitalism can only be the consequence of a political struggle and it is the course of this struggle between classes , in the conditions created by the development of the capitalist mode of production , which we now have to examine .
13 During the lexicographic stage this can only be the result of the creation of a new entry .
14 It states that , apart from stochastic disturbances emanating from u , , deviations of output from its full employment , natural value can only be the result of errors in predicting the price level .
15 This can only be the web of Textrix denticulata , a small and prettily marked relative of the large house spider , which makes sheet webs in houses and outhouses .
16 it considers such an education to be the greatest safeguard against the dangerous growth of State power , to be indispensable for the preservation of an effective democracy and to be the one , moreover , which can only be the province of a voluntary independent movement ;
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