Example sentences of "[vb mod] also be [adj] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It must also be right to have proper mechanisms in place to ensure that they get value for money .
2 To compete with Moscow they must also be able to deal direct with foreign suppliers .
3 All children should be supported in valuing their own dialects and in using them where they are appropriate to context and purpose , but they should also be able to use Standard English when it is necessary and helpful to do so in speaking as well as writing .
4 Given sufficient advance notice , we 'll also be happy to carry collapsible wheelchairs on any of our flights .
5 A degree of violence might also be sufficient to control certain types of behaviour for which conviction was difficult or unlikely .
6 It could also be obliged to change economic policies — such as raising or lowering interest rates and taxes — to reinforce intervention .
7 It may also be worthwhile exploring additional access to radio coverage .
8 It may also be necessary to adjust accepted labour constants to the actual circumstances of the job .
9 To facilitate easier access it may also be necessary to add other pointers ( Figure 5.10 ) , such as a pointer to the beginning of the list or to the previous record as well as the next one .
10 It may also be feasible to prepare patient and relatives for predictable events or even to avoid such situations altogether ( Brown et al. , 1972 ) .
11 However , research on Indian students learning English suggests that to learn the language for commercial purposes it may also be effective to have instrumental motivation .
12 ‘ Tuning ’ of the database software may also be possible using manufacturer-supplied options to achieve results more in line with those attainable by programs written in-house .
13 It may also be possible to display other functional nonviral polypeptides ( growth factors , cytokines or T cell receptors for example ) or short peptide sequences with a variety of receptor binding activities .
14 Dietary supplements may also be important to ensure adequate vitamins and minerals are being absorbed .
15 Groups may also be able to create important costs which can be used as ‘ negative selective incentives ’ .
16 You may also be able to get legal insurance as an add-on to a household policy for as little as £12.50 per year , but it may not always cover you for a battle with the boss , so check before you buy
17 It may also be desirable to use existing , well-established language and communication skills as the basis for teaching weaker or less well-established skills .
18 Forge 90 will also be available to run High Performance Fortran parallel programs on the SP1 and to help parallelise existing serial Fortran programs .
19 Additional knowledge about how words may combine to form sentences , and about how sentences are put together to produce text will also be necessary to resolve remaining ambiguity at the lexical level .
20 Within the ward learning programme , it will also be necessary to plan structured tutorials when set subjects are discussed .
21 Educational facilities and the quality of teaching staff must also improve — either colleges of nursing must only employ qualified teaching staff or they should leave it to the higher education establishments , who will also be able to facilitate adequate library facilities .
22 She will also be able to establish mental goals and to organise a linked sequence of actions designed to achieve a particular objective .
23 It will also be important to commission long-term studies of the career progression of Compact graduates and this may more properly be offered to professional researchers , perhaps located in higher education .
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