Example sentences of "[vb mod] come to [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But by the same token , theories like that proposed by Pearce and Hall must come to terms with the evidence that has been taken to show that what the stimulus is predicted by can also play a role .
2 So , on the one hand , people are encouraged to reclaim traditional practices while at the same time they must come to terms with the abandonment of other , often related , traditional conceptions .
3 Samuel Courtauld , the textile industrialist , and his supporters warned that industrialists must come to terms with the new mood in favour of government intervention .
4 The Apex conference must come to terms with the nature of that amalgamation and that said that the Apex conference would concern itself with matters of interest to white collar workers .
5 You must come to terms with the fact that some dreams and desires are never going to be fulfilled while other equally wonderful wants and wishes will take their place .
6 You must come to terms with the fact that some dreams and desires are never going to be fulfilled while other equally wonderful wants and wishes will take their place .
7 If he wanted to reach his goal he must come to terms with the stages of the journey , however comfortless .
8 Exactly how architecture might come to terms with the invisible is a tricky subject , which Sudjic hints at but does not elaborate .
9 They 'll come to blows with the Kurds , who 'll want their own state , and see this as a chance for getting it ; the Iranians will no doubt try to grab the Shia part of Iraq in the south ; and the Syrians will want their bit as well .
10 I could come to London in the afternoon . ’
11 Like everyone else , I 'd come to Hawaii for the waves , but some clandestine part of me had been plotting all along to make love on the beach beneath a palm tree .
12 The boys in my class would come to school during the opera season , which was always in the winter , and discuss the previous night 's performance at every opportunity .
13 In his letter announcing the betrothal , João had said that he would come to Ireland in the summer in order to take Sara back to Lisbon before the autumn storms , so her expectation of his arrival mounted with each passing day .
14 What about any claims that may come to light in the future , for instance in relation to products that you may already have bought from the company ?
15 In this machine , some of the work Unisys has been carrying out with academic partners such as Caltec , JPL and with French microkernel specialists Chorus Systemes , will come to light for the first time .
16 But if you look at science as a way of exploring their world , a world they can structure their curiosity about aspects of the physical world , about aspects of the environment , then I think we can do it very early indeed , probably from the time children can come to school at the age of five and from reception classes onwards .
17 But if you look at science as a way of exploring their world , a world they can structure their curiosity about aspects of the physical world , about aspects of the environment , then I think we can do it very early indeed , probably from the time children can come to school at the age of five and from reception classes onwards .
18 Certainly if the school can come to terms with the planning of time , it is likely to be well on the way to implementing the programme .
19 These feelings … may diminish in time so that the parent can come to terms with the fact that the baby has Down 's Syndrome .
20 This appreciated , we can come to terms with the initially disquieting fact that the success and persistence of an ideology is , alas , no guarantee of truth .
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