Example sentences of "[vb mod] well [vb infin] be [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Had it been allowed to thrive , the whole sad subsequent history of Ireland might well have been different but , alas , it was not .
2 recognised that the situation might well have been different if , instead of the defendants simply threatening to ‘ black ’ the broadcast they had gone to the B.B.C. and said ‘ We wish it to be established as part of our conditions of employment that we are not required to work on broadcasts to South Africa . ’
3 ‘ It might well have been true that I was guilty of wasting the talent that I have ’
4 The offices were in a high building , one which might well have been neat and prosperous around the time that Dickens was labelling bottles in a boot-blacking warehouse ; now its main value lay in the soaring price of the land on which it stood .
5 In fact , with any number of other writers , the circumstances of the appointment could well have been self-appraised as , ‘ Oh no , not more work . ’
6 ‘ We have lost a significant amount of information that could well have been valuable if money had become available in future to carry out further digs along the shore .
7 The Victorian historian Macaulay may well have been right when he stated that the Cornish , ‘ … a fierce , bold and athletic race , among whom there was a stronger provincial feeling than in any other part of the realm ’ , were not so much concerned with the matter of religious principle on which Bishop Trelawney had made his stand ; Trelawney was ‘ … reverenced less as a ruler of the Church than as the head of an honourable house and the heir , through twenty descents , of ancestors who had been of great note before the Normans had set foot on English ground ’ .
8 It merely detects residues of drugs ingested as much as weeks in the past , when the worker may well have been off-duty or on holiday .
9 Conference , if you think back to all those times that you have sat at home watching the news after a day 's work like I have , and listen carefully to what is being said , you may well have been horrified and saddened to hear the many stories appertaining to people who have had accidents or died due to the fact that the machine they have been driving has been too powerful .
10 It may well have been fun while it lasted , but we might guess by now that the Titfords would not stay long in Spa Fields , any more than they had anywhere else .
11 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
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