Example sentences of "[vb mod] we [adv] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nor should we ever underestimate the capacity of old people to alter life-long patterns of interaction when need arises .
2 Or should we perhaps seize the opportunity , when the whole curriculum is in disarray , to put forward a case for excluding the moral , the social , and the religious from the schoolteacher 's sphere of responsibility ?
3 Could we simply take an armful out to the treadmills and put them on and see what happened ?
4 It was a form of patriotism — could we still lead the world in moral , instead of military and economic power ?
5 Nor of course , if we dismiss the idea of ‘ memory molecules ’ , could we ever anticipate a pill to restore lost memories , for , as I have argued , these are represented in the brain not in the form of particular molecules but in a multitude of specific neuronal circuits .
6 How then could we ever understand the nature and functioning of the whole belt ?
7 The first approach replied that this was all very well but then how could we ever assess the importance of one variable against another in the overall changes ?
8 May we just have a look down here ? ’ he asked appealingly .
9 May we therefore put the Government 's tax policy into context : although we do not wish to raise VAT above its present level , what we have done reflects further taxation on those who can afford to spend more ?
10 Central to that campaign were the warnings that a Labour win would mean a run on the pound , a sterling crisis , a property slump , HIGHER interest rates and possibly , dare we even speak the word , devaluation .
11 If that backward culture could modernise itself , where would we then find the mirror to reflect our superiority ?
12 Would we then have a guarantee against the occurrence of a crisis ?
13 Shall we just run a lab test on this chicken ! ’
14 Yes the army officers , shall we just read a bit more of that bit ?
15 So , shall we just put a question mark ?
16 What happens if she does it on a weekend , will we just have a key ?
17 Will we ever believe an opinion poll again ?
18 First round … second round … will we ever get a Brit winning at Wimbledon ?
19 Can we please have a column for us 50-year-olds ?
20 When you have considered the brief provided can we please discuss the detail and objective to allow me to expand on any points before you make a response .
21 Can we just spare a couple of minutes so we can get this straight , because I did rush through it , and it was , er , obviously wrong of me .
22 Can we just get the prayer out and start by saying the prayer together please .
23 It is n't a case of wanting them they 're such good knives you do n't get them at that price , too often right can we just have a look at the price of microwaves , while we 're here
24 How long can we healthily continue the diet of delusion ?
25 Right , can we actually have a look now the last bit is sort of more the nitty gritty before we go on to this .
26 I think if the committee did that then we 'd be back to what five or six years ago , when a whole afternoon was spent on that and I would n't commend that to you , but can we perhaps have a word with the officers at a later stage , take it on board what both Graham and Anne have been saying , and obviously not trying to do that in a meeting like this but try to prepare for it a month before-hand .
27 AFTER the recent wonderful developments in eastern Europe , particularly the fall of the Berlin Wall , can we now have a bit more freedom — other than the freedom to spend money .
28 Can we now produce a timetable up to the start of the course ?
29 Can we now discern a theory of meaning which , if correct , would force us towards some form of foundationalism ?
30 If takes it to transcribe it , can we still write the essay ?
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