Example sentences of "[vb mod] not have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sheffield social services should not have pressured a foster couple into accepting difficult children , a jury said last week as it cleared the couple on charges of cruelty .
2 His mother should not have had a full ( or even half-full ) mug or one with a handle .
3 They should n't have found a single gun that day — we 'd have buried the lot if we 'd only known in time . ’
4 You should n't have taken a final reading until you left .
5 Calves in this category may not have developed a strong immunity and after treatment should not be returned to the field which was the source of infection ; if this is impossible , parenteral ivermectin is the drug of choice since its residual effect prevents reinfection for a further three weeks .
6 If the patient has been misled or misinformed he may not have given a genuine consent or refusal .
7 Jesus may not have supported a particular party line , but His criticism of the political-religious leaders of His day led to His crucifixion on a Roman gibbet .
8 Consequently , other market members ( and their customers ) may not have had a proper opportunity to participate in the trade .
9 Thus , prices on Simex may not have had a measurable effect on the index .
10 She may or may not have had a longstanding paranoid personality ; that 's hard for relatives to cope with , but not necessarily pathological . ’
11 There is no reason to think that people in the past may not have had a profound understanding of God , an understanding which will illuminate one 's own .
12 Lord MacLean told MacIver , who drove the lorry after the robbery : ‘ You may not have occupied a principal role , but you played an essential one .
13 The blacks , like Bailey and Wint who were in athletics , tended to be from established occupational and social backgrounds and , to them , sport may not have yielded a direct material benefit .
14 The dazed expression had almost left her face and I wondered if she might not have had a slight stroke when Celia abandoned her , and was now recovering .
15 Once she could not have imagined a greater disaster — all the garments she 'd been working on , with such dedication , day and night , for weeks on end now , had totally vanished , disappeared .
16 I could not have imagined a better companion .
17 The population of Easter Island could not have exceeded a few thousand , so a sizeable proportion of the men must have been employed at the quarry , carving likenesses of their deceased relatives .
18 When nothing happened , the Brotherhood decided that Huw could not have lodged a formal complaint about their treatment of him , so — with some relief , and a certain amount of grudging respect — they let the matter drop .
19 Tim could not have made a better choice . ’
20 As confirmation of the significance Harry had detected in Heather 's photographs , Mossop 's retraced route of three months before could not have made a better start .
21 Holmes says : ‘ Steve could not have made a better start to his outdoor season and it opens up all sorts of possibilities .
22 He could not have made a finer creature in his own vats .
23 Sheila could not have desired a worse profession .
24 Hollywood could not have created a better image of the middle ages .
25 He had scarcely known Maggie , could not have known that he could not have chosen a better treat than this mysterious park , with its vast statues carved out of the living rock : the huge-mouthed cave with its mighty teeth , the vast stone giant , his shoulders visible through bushes a hundred yards away , half hidden in greenery ; and above all , the great carved stone dragon with its broken wings , and wild Chinese eyes .
26 Mr Robin Cook , shadow Health Secretary , said : ‘ We could not have chosen a better issue to put centre stage for the first televised session of Parliament . ’
27 GRAEME HICK finally lived up to his tag as England 's saviour yesterday — and the one-time ‘ Boy Wonder ’ could not have chosen a better moment to put his wretched Test record behind him .
28 We had a beautiful Spring holiday on the Beauly Firth , and could not have chosen a better time to be there , with all the different kinds of foliage on the hillsides , and the spring flowers on the banks .
29 The 39-year-old Briton could not have got a better start to his new career with the Indycar team owned by Paul Newman and Carl Haas , but now has every driver on his tail .
30 After the majestic setting of Old Trafford , Middlesbrough could not have expected a greater contrast than Roots Hall .
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