Example sentences of "[vb mod] not be any [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There must not be any ambiguous steps in the sequence , since the understanding of each step must facilitate the learning of the next step .
2 Really , there should not be any collapsed scrummages during the 80 minutes of play .
3 ‘ There should not be any great difficulty getting places in state schools but the situation varies from area to area , ’ a spokesman said .
4 ‘ There should not be any private schools .
5 Now there should n't be any terrible complexity about these series of motions that we 're considering now .
6 One parent families , there should n't be any one parent families .
7 This will not be easy , and , where the seller has solved the problem of infringement by obtaining a licence , or redesigning the goods so as to put an end to the infringement , there may not be any other damage suffered in any event .
8 Third , there would frequently be discrepancies between the meanings of sentences with a predicate qualifier and " fuller versions " when it is replaced by a clause ; for example , consider : ( 31 ) the jury found Ernest guilty the jury found Ernest ; Ernest was guilty ( 32 ) Alastair likes his beef tea strong Alastair likes his beef tea ; his beef tea is strong In the latter case , for instance , there may not be any strong beef tea at all ; the point of uttering the sentence may be to complain about that very point .
9 And there may not be any magical answers out there . ’
10 There may not be any suitable places to use , or your attackers may all be equally fit and able to stick together while they chase you .
11 In fact , the rudder power of most gliders is very poor in relation to the huge inertia of the heavy , long-span wings , and there may not be any visible effect when opposite rudder is applied in an incipient spin .
12 I mean , the one is just , so it may not be any great compliment to say that the cow has an equal chance erm but , but I , I actually do n't know the answer to that one , whether thought that
13 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
14 Remember , if a PIW links with a previous PIW there may not be any waiting days left to serve because waiting days are served only once in a PIW .
15 In a proportion of cases the first site of infection is the cervix , when there may not be any local pain .
16 Only time passed , and 150 years later men began to suspect there might not be any Christian slaves left , because the Midlands solicitor charged with administering the estate seemed an extremely rich man .
17 It would be a contradictory state of affairs to believe that higher education could maintain one kind of culture within itself and could underpin a quite different kind of culture within society at large : there could not be any fundamental incongruity between these two cultural functions of higher education .
18 There could n't be any personal reason . ’
19 And even if errors could be assessed satisfactorily , there need not be any clear link between full-blown errors or accidents and a performance that is generally sub-standard — as any self-critical driver knows .
20 But decline does not mean " cessation " , immediately or even after a very long time ; although erection will occur gradually less often , ejaculation will take longer to achieve with the passing years and the frequency of sexual intercourse tends slowly to decrease , there need not be any enormous difference sexually between a man of 20 and one of 70 .
21 It had agreed there would not be any compulsory redundancies as a result of the use of outside contractors and had guaranteed a more secure future for thousands of workshop staff .
22 However , he argued , an infinite collection of stars would not fall together , for there would not be any central point for them to fall to .
23 Shaving does not , of course , cause hair to grow any thicker or quicker or there would not be any bald men about !
24 He said it had been clearly stated that there would not be any unilateral change in Articles 2 and 3 .
25 Glenys is really a strong critic , she tells me the truth , that 's the most important thing , because it simply would n't be any good living with a fan who said that everything you did was absolutely fine and perfect and wonderful , because nothing would have validity .
26 There would n't be any ethical problems to worry about , because as that young man in the audience said , we 'd still be living in caves or the trees .
27 Because without you and , and other people like you there would n't be any local radio .
28 You wo n't have a whole-school group in a dissipating school … there ca n't be any organizational impact , there can only be individual impact .
29 I am sorry I ca n't be any more help with that at this stage what I can do is to take that question away and circulate the information after I 've done some sums .
30 It ca n't be any old chicken though … it must be one of the rare and endangered species whose survival is at risk .
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