Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [vb infin] [pron] from [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some of these considerations are sometimes valid , and must be taken into account , but surely they should not excuse us from seeking out such evidence as does exist in relation to the period and style we are performing ?
2 But that should not stop them from checking all the same .
3 The nineties have yet to prove themselves a kinder and gentler decade , but that should not stop us from looking forward again .
4 But that should not stop us from recognising that things are very much better in the '90s than they were in the '70s .
5 Fear of failure should not deter you from trying .
6 Finally , the need for an audit should not deter you from considering an application for registration with the Charity Commission .
7 In one London clinic with thirty-five thousand patient visits in a year , only 30 lumbar punctures were performed , and so the prospect of this unreasonably unpopular test should not deter anyone from attending a clinic .
8 Though debilitating , this should not prevent you from continuing .
9 The constitution should not constrain us from articulating these political ideas , therefore we will request the Sri Lankan government to bring about an annulment of the amendment . ’
10 No , must n't stop them from working
11 Oh , go on then , must n't stop you from working must we darling ?
12 He could not stop himself from thinking about it and he shuddered , as he imagined again Simon 's hands around his neck .
13 Even so , he could not stop himself from feeling it was wrong .
14 And Amabel could not stop herself from thinking that this dreadful , dirty town must surely be to blame , that if Gemma had been less stubborn about remaining here , in this dark old manor , standing cheek-by-jowl with the brewery and the foundry and those hundreds and hundreds of unwashed , unlettered people who worked in them , then this tragedy would not have occurred .
15 It did n't matter how innovative the products I set out to market actually were , I could not prevent myself from seeing them already in some illimitable bazaar of the far future , long obsolete and hopelessly dated , so much cosmological car-boot-sale fodder .
16 It could not prevent him from having doubts .
17 I duly notified ‘ the appropriate authorities ’ , and they replied that they could not prevent him from going because he was an English subject .
18 Such was the Doctor 's rage , so accustomed was Louise to obedience , that she could not prevent herself from hurrying to execute his orders .
19 She could not prevent herself from saying in a doubtful voice , ‘ You will be careful when you go to bed , wo n't you ? ’
20 I could not restrain myself from hastening to view one of those Druid circles , of which there are so many in the Isle of Lewis ; that given in the small vignette is the first one I reached .
21 George Wigg 's enthusiasm , however , could not restrain him from pursuing a more general , and indeed very vindictive , course in relation to Profumo 's statement .
22 After this ( but only ‘ when she was in any company ’ ) she could not restrain herself from saying , ‘ It is full merry in Heaven ’ .
23 When Ariel saw how the incomers failed to meet indigo 's exacting standards of care , she could not restrain herself from offering her expertise ; she tended , restaked , pruned and watered the trampled shrubberies of Sycorax , teaching the English how to cultivate the precious dye .
24 A short time later he could n't prevent himself from asking whether she did n't love him just a little .
25 It was too late , I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking Mr Broadhurst 's unusual caduceus , the one he had made out of an old TV aerial garnished with flex , and I could n't prevent myself from reading on :
26 It was too late , I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking Mr Broadhurst 's unusual caduceus , the one he had made out of an old TV aerial garnished with flex , and I could n't prevent myself from reading on :
27 We got on very well together and when after only two months with the company my immediate boss — the marketing manager , a sallow individual with a Solihull whine — suffered a perforated ulcer ( I could n't prevent myself from eidetiking this , the wall of his duodenum like a rusty car door , sharp flakes of oxidised tissue spearing into him ) , I got his job .
28 ‘ And missed Nicole 's visit ? ’ she could n't prevent herself from asking any more than she could prevent the edge that had entered her voice .
29 She could n't prevent herself from bursting out laughing .
30 Acid rose in her throat and , even though she knew her anger was , in truth , directed at Marianne , she could n't prevent it from spilling into her words .
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