Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [vb infin] [pron] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He had gauged this wrong , he must not allow her to report his having slighted the place .
2 So , whilst they may encourage an atmosphere of informal comradeship and sociable learning , college teachers are not your equals and you should not expect them to treat you as such .
3 I made a mental note that I must n't say anything to annoy my prim secretary , at least until after she 'd agreed to help with the business the next evening .
4 She believes that children are a blessing from God and we should n't do anything to stop them .
5 I know the events of last week have been difficult for you , but you should n't allow them to panic you into a hasty decision . ’
6 Not quite sure how to broach the subject , and not wishing to be indiscreet , she murmured awkwardly , ‘ I do n't quite know how to put this , but part of the reason for my visit was to try and trace someone who lived here a long time ago , only I do n't quite like to ask around , because the person I 'm looking for might not like it — might not want everyone to know her business . ’
7 He read in silence for a moment , then said , with a laugh , ‘ I see that you might enjoy this , although I am not sure your mama might not wish you to read it .
8 And even if they do know , they 'll not expect us to pursue it after this , neh ? ’
9 Now that 's different you 'll not get em to cancel it but to get them to spin it out over a longer period is a possibility and that 's what we 're gon na be working towards .
10 Oh , this could not be happening — that she loved him so , and yet could not bear him to caress her !
11 Vienna Dear Fräulein Arandt , I am sorry you could not bring yourself to tell me about your parents .
12 When I plucked up the courage to ask my mother about it she just burst into tears and I could not bring myself to question her again .
13 But he could not bring himself to do it , especially not now , after Simon had revealed how she had spoken up for him .
14 And a photographer told how he saw a girl of about six so severely burned that a fireman could not bring himself to treat her by dousing her with a hose .
15 He could not bring himself to say it .
16 But Harry could not bring himself to condemn him .
17 Sycorax was lodged in his conscience and she lamed him , like a stone in a horse 's hoof ; yet he could not bring himself to have her murdered .
18 For a few days Osman could not bring himself to show his face in public and there was a noticeable lull in hostilities .
19 She wanted desperately to confide in someone about this , but once again found it impossible to find anyone suitable her mother was too distraught , her father was dead , and she could not bring herself to mention it to Miriam for fear of provoking some too blunt observations on the mysterious workings of a lady 's insides .
20 She could not bring herself to do it .
21 Still she could not bring herself to touch him , until , turning his head , she saw the scar , and without thinking leaned forward to kiss that , a butterfly kiss like his , to show him that she loved him — and his scar .
22 These doubts , hard to pin down , because reason easily disposed of them all , crystallised around the fact that Comrade Andrew too often smelled of drink ; she could not bring herself to criticise him for his partiality to the goose-girl , because she had learned so long ago and so thoroughly simply to switch off in this area .
23 Despite the strength of her misgivings , she could not bring herself to voice them .
24 All explanations , all excuses were crude and deadly , and she could not bring herself to make them , but she could not sit there either , contemplating her own slow lapse from grace .
25 Rosalba never went to the trysting place , because Caterina could not bring herself to tell her sister about the assignation Tommaso had proposed in the byre .
26 They believed in the myth and Diana could not bring herself to tell them the awful truth .
27 This means that even if there were events before the big bang , one could not use them to determine what would happen afterward , because predictability would break down at the big bang .
28 It could not use them to manufacture its own products ( see also Peter Pan Manufacturing Corp v Corsets Silhouette [ 1964 ] 1 WLR 96 ) .
29 Not only do we not usually think of Snell 's law when we try to net a fish or tickle a trout , but we could not use it to help us do so even if we did .
30 Mr Brownlow and Rose could not persuade her to change her mind .
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