Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [adv] [verb] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 A religious man may not always succeed in living in accordance with his ideal but that does not mean that he has abandoned his ideal .
2 Desperate for points to avoid relegation , they could not even succeed in keeping the score down despite a creditable second-half rally ; only Summers 's try was added to Gill 's 25th try .
3 They could not even think of washing my hair until I had had this operation to put the two rods in my back . ’
4 By rights they should now be quietly decomposing in Manchester , having tried out their experimental rhythm rock surrealism only to discover that self-analytical dance with guitars could not really compete with belching ego-Mancs who wanted to be adored or abhorred .
5 Heather is of limited nutritional value and sheep could not possibly survive by removing such a quantity .
6 Dana loved luxury and she seemed to manage to surround herself with things Claudia could n't even dream of buying .
7 At this rate he could n't even count on keeping his housekeeping job much longer .
8 I could n't really cope with meeting any more people and went to watch Everything But The Girl from nearer the stage .
9 In most cases when a game is acquired illegally , they would n't even think about buying the game if copying was impossible .
10 I think if I went back to Africa I would n't even think of stealing .
11 I would n't I would n't even think of asking .
12 The people have the spirit to overthrow oppression , but their imagination ca n't yet cope with overturning their stifling bureaucracy .
13 Now you ca n't even rely on seeing a live performance at a live concert !
14 Well , that 's Danny for you ; he ca n't even faint without saying goodbye in C.B.
15 Erm they 're the they 're there for a purpose and their size is there for a purpose in terms of er of the constrictions of the other road er sizing or whatever , and obviously huge vehicles who just ca n't possibly manoeuvre without going over .
16 And you 've got hair that falls in your face and you sort of , and all those things you 've got to learn to cope with because if you 're worried about what you 're doing with your hands , or your feet , or your hair , then you ca n't then concentrate on putting over your information effectively .
17 You ca n't really tell without seeing it , though . ’
18 You ca n't really tell by looking , can you ?
19 The reason is that , as interest rates fall , although people may buy fewer UK securities , they will not simply switch to holding idle balances of sterling .
20 A writer will not necessarily escape by criticising " some " members of a class , if other evidence serves to identify the plaintiff as a member of the criticised section .
21 There are juniors who wo n't even speak without nodding and asking the parents permission .
22 I wo n't even agree to having you partnering me at all these functions I have to attend as part of the job — and I 'll take whatever trouble you try to make for me — if you carry on treating me as you have been doing .
23 Erm it 's also acknowledged in paragraph thirteen of N Y six , but this this factor means that some of the development which takes place on the on a land allocated for I five wo n't actually go towards meeting the I five target , it 'll be lost in terms of I four .
24 That re-emphasises the fact that we can not simply talk about cancelling Trident .
25 Once he introduces them , the linguist can not simply retreat into claiming that he is only dealing with the abstractions of descriptive linguistics .
26 Dolphins ( and many other sea creatures ) can , by muscular power and their own dynamic shape , attain speeds in water which man can not yet emulate without using excessive amounts of power .
27 They can not both succeed in attaining their mutually exclusive goals .
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