Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [adv] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is that the Scottish Education Department disagrees with both of us and insists that religious observance must not only be reinstated but also reinforced .
2 It should not however be supposed that because of the equitable nature of these rights a bona fide purchaser for value will be protected .
3 It should not however be criticised because of its attempt to relate the gospel as directly as possible to the world in which we live .
4 Women should not simply be seen as smitten fools in need of protection ; when they accept the advances of those professionally above them , they know the murky pond in which they plunge .
5 If the child is of sufficient understanding his views should not simply be disregarded because it is difficult to ascertain them .
6 These concerns must be recognised as specific , which does n't mean that semiotics or Lacanian film theory has no relevance outside the established framework of Anglo-American and European cinema , but rather that their legitimacy should not automatically be assumed or their dominance remain uncontested in the light of developments within feminism at large .
7 However , such a calculation should not even be attempted if the consequence is failure to complete the easier parts of the question .
8 They should not just be standing or lying about looking decorative .
9 This probably reflects the effect of high male mortality rates resultant from the major wars and it should not therefore be assumed that future cohorts of elderly will continue to illustrate this extreme gender imbalance .
10 These claims should not merely be paid because the amount involved is small .
11 ‘ In the judgment of this court , when a witness is shown to have made previous statements inconsistent with the evidence given by that witness at the trial , the jury should not merely be directed that the evidence given at the trial should be regarded as unreliable ; they should also be directed that the previous statements , whether sworn or unsworn , do not constitute evidence upon which they can act .
12 This semantic shift should not necessarily be interpreted as indicating a decline in nationalism or racism .
13 The claim of a holy Gad that those who have fellowship with him should not only be acquitted and accounted righteous , but actually and progressively be made righteous in an ethical sense is strongly brought out in the Pauline letters .
14 In Sussex Justices the court said that " it is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done . "
15 It was always our contention that justice should not only be done but that justice should be seen to be done by the due process of the public inquiry .
16 Apparent oppositions , they felt , should not only be tolerated but gloried in : ultimately they would prove to be resolvable in a wider harmony .
17 ‘ It should not only be retained but given the go-ahead for further development , involving new advanced PWRs to replace the aging Magnoxes .
18 The two separate Minutes may not necessarily be related but it does suggest there may be more in the Cup 's name that has hitherto been appreciated .
19 His title-pages specify that his songs may not only be sung but also played ‘ on all sorts of instruments ’ ( auff allerley Instrumenten zu brauchen ) ; indeed the non-tenor parts are often obviously instrumental , as in Senfl 's ‘ Wol kumpt der May ’ in Ott 's 121 .
20 This vision might not always be met but that was no excuse not to go on trying .
21 The second , however , has not been seen in our study or in others and could be related to the possibility that gastric acid secretion might not necessarily be raised when NSAIDs are taken on longterm basis , three years in this study .
22 Socialism could not yet be built and they would inevitably disappoint proletarian expectations .
23 Dr Laternser immediately rose to protest that the witness had never been in the German army and therefore could not properly be asked or answer any such questions .
24 It could not properly be interpreted as leaving a gap where that unusual situation arose .
25 Germans were resentful of France 's post-war attempts to keep them under close control , and it could not automatically be expected that they would agree to join European institutions .
26 This view could not easily be maintained as the evidence mounted that , despite their negotiations with Sir Herbert Samuel and the TUC 's meeting with the Prime Minister on 12 May , the strike had been called off without any guarantees that those who had been involved would not be victimized by employers and that there would be no immediate resumption of negotiations between the coal miners and the coal owners .
27 It seems reasonable to assume , for instance , that he was — at least in part — influenced by the calculations of his own defence establishment from 1943 ( calculations which could not easily be challenged until the United States acquired nuclear weapons ) to the effect that the defeat of Germany must make the USSR the dominant military power in Europe .
28 Whilst an estimate of our fees has been given , additional costs may be required as a result of any material change in the assignment or difficulties in obtaining information which could not reasonably be foreseen and which caused additional work not included in the original estimate .
29 But if the worst really came to the worst in Japan , the resulting mess could not simply be welcomed as come-uppance .
30 Only where the foreigner brought in technology that could not otherwise be obtained or where the firm exported the great bulk of its output were these constraints relaxed .
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