Example sentences of "[vb mod] not [verb] [Wh adv] you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , navigation would be a problem — especially since you could not predict where you would arrive .
2 Because I could n't countenance how you could stay under water without being asphyxiated , and yet at the same time I was incapable of comprehending the trick .
3 You were so stubborn about it , you just kept saying everything was all right , and it was n't , it was getting worse all the time , and I could n't understand why you could n't see it .
4 I could n't see how you could get a lot of maths into physics on the grounds of the experience I 'd had in school .
5 blah , blah , blah , recommended that interview have been in both directions despite in this difficult across , and I could n't say when you could do that at midday , but the implication is you have to do it when you
6 ‘ I ca n't think why you should want to buy any more clothes — you look delightful in that dress . ’
7 Yes that 's right I just ca n't think how you 'd
8 If doing a deal with another company will help you to get their records out to people then I ca n't see why you should n't do it .
9 Erm it may be that it it is sensible to make that discount and would only ap apply to Scarborough dis district , but as for the rest of the additional elements of er environmental discount that should be applied , I ca n't see why you should apply a discount in relation to agricultural land .
10 I ca n't see how you can score against the north east sector on that respect , er because there is there is no station currently serving the south west sector that I 'm aware of , so clearly in both cases you need to provide a new station .
11 I ca n't see how you could be conscious , without it matters , but it 's interesting you know the hearing tests we were talking about .
12 ‘ I still ca n't understand why you wo n't take the flat , ’ she said .
13 I thought you were a caring sort of person , I ca n't understand why you wo n't speak to me now .
14 I ca n't understand how you can have such an extraordinarily benign view of the universe . ’
15 ‘ Buzz , I ca n't understand how you can eat anything after these huge , delicious French lunches .
16 Chairman , I ca n't imagine how you could possibly contemplate that .
17 I just ca n't imagine how you could rhythm if it 's like that I suppose you got ta s start with them all running but still
18 " I ca n't imagine how you can be so ungrateful , child , " she said between coughing fits .
19 She said , " I really can not imagine why you should react like this .
20 ‘ It was on a bearing of 280 degrees and was already west of the Falklands , so I 'm sorry but I can not see how you can say it was not sailing away from the Falklands when it was sunk . ’
21 ‘ I really can not see how you can repair them .
22 As for your complaint that you do not get out enough , I can not see how you can justify it .
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