Example sentences of "[vb mod] be a [noun sg] think that " in BNC.

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1 It must be a day thinking that we had a .
2 Although the three powers we have just outlined were the principal measures available to the police to prevent or to control public assemblies , it would be a mistake to think that they were the only ones .
3 While an enormous amount of energy and enthusiasm was expended on GLC-related projects , it would be a mistake to think that they were greeted with uncritical acclaim by all lesbians and gays .
4 Edwin and Robert Grabhorn , who founded the Grabhorn Press in San Francisco in 1920 , worked so amicably together that it was said of them : ‘ When Ed 's away the shop goes to pieces ; when Bob 's away , Ed goes to pieces ’ ; but it would be a mistake to think that relationships between printers were always so harmonious .
5 Certainly personal affection and the admiring contemplation of beautiful objects involve consciousness , although it would be a mistake to think that there is no more to their value than comes simply from the kind of consciousness involved .
6 But it would be a mistake to think that Richard was indifferent to the attractions of a plenary indulgence .
7 The comments above by Sisam ( 1915 ) and Hall ( 1920 ) arise directly from Skeats 's views , and , although these comments were made a long time ago , it would be a mistake to think that the Anglo-Norman argument has now been abandoned .
8 It would be a misconception to think that the royal persons ( or their representatives ) or the addition of some lower clergy admitted new groups of people into the discussion .
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