Example sentences of "[vb mod] be the [noun sg] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is appalling it should be the scene for this attack , ’ he said .
2 ‘ The Institute of Public Relations in its turn is the guardian of ethics and professional standards and membership should be the benchmark for any organisation seeking to employ a public relations practitioner , ’ she said .
3 These two options should be the starting-point for any real debate about Northern Ireland , a debate that is long overdue .
4 Within the Council , majority voting should be the role for all Community matters .
5 By Greenham standards , which must be the yardstick for these things , the camp was minute .
6 I thought this must be the end for all three of us but in fact all the policeman wanted to do was to stop any traffic going on to the Via Emilia as a big convoy was on its way south towards Parma .
7 This must be the situation for all North Sea populations in most winters .
8 Colour lasers are still extremely expensive , so a colour inkjet could be the answer for those on a tight budget .
9 Mr Cubbage , however , was very circumspect in his choice of lady friends and he realised that he could be the target for any gold-digging female .
10 ‘ This may be the opportunity for another young man to appear from nowhere and make a name for himself . ’
11 This may be the case for some manual workers , though by no means all , but there are large numbers of people on low incomes who for one reason or another could be hurt by Labour 's plans .
12 This may be the case for some Multi-Option Facilities .
13 If a lot of needles are tucking , then two tucks may be the maximum for most of the needles , with some tucking four rows for design emphasis .
14 The judge went on to say that this would be the case for any dispute whether of fact or law , and that there was no rule of public policy preventing parties from agreeing to remit a question of law to the exclusive and final jurisdiction of an expert .
15 Because they believed and they got me to believe at the time , that nationalization would be the cure for all our ills .
16 The obvious success of the Bermuda agreement was shown by the issue of a joint statement in September 1946 that the Bermuda wording would be the basis for all future bilateral air agreements signed by each country .
17 Research and Strategy — local authorities should carry out detailed ongoing research into the housing needs of every community and produce a strategy which would be the basis for all housing provision and development .
18 Bill and Kath , along with their loyal staff have put virtually a lifetime 's effort into acquiring the immense amount of stock contained at PAS , and the one thing that really concerns them is that if anything should ever happen to either of them , what would be the future for all the stock ?
19 Europe will be the setting for many further British contributions and achievements in the years to come .
20 And it is the moment-to-moment tasks children engage in , that will be the focus for much of the observational assessment we shall need to look at next .
21 The church stands in the centre of Milton Keynes and will be the venue for all official religious ceremonies for the town .
22 They 've taken some very carefully set-up photographs with a big fucking camera and I suspect — from an aside or two they probably did n't expect me to understand — that these snaps will be the basis for some computer manipulation to see how well I fit the bill .
23 East Grinstead is the first store to be built with a fully self service staff restaurant , which will be the model for all future branches .
24 Obviously I welcome any extra options for keeping animals safe and hoof branding will be the answer for some people .
25 One could go on and pick many other scriptures , you know in the erm the New Testament not only were there those three questions that we mentioned earlier on about salvation , but there are three unanswered questions in the New Testament in Mark chapter eight , Jesus asked that question of which there is no answer , for what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his sole or what shall a man or a woman give in exchange for their soul , Jesus did n't try and answer , there is no answer to that question , then again in , in Hebrews chapter three , er chapter two and verse three there is an unanswered question , how shall we escape if we neglect so greater salvation , and finally one other the apostle Peter , he asked the question in , in chapter fo , first apostle in chapter four and verse seven seventeen for it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God and if judgment begins with us first , what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God
26 Is it not unlikely , incredible , that this gold coin , dwarfed by the space that surrounds it , can be the power-house for all life ?
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