Example sentences of "[vb mod] be say [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It should be said at this stage that the case for regulation in any situation is weakened to the extent that the institutions which will themselves be involved are imperfect .
2 Once the connection is made ( and it must be said at this point that the parallel connection is far and away the faster of the two possibles ) a program rejoicing in the highly descriptive name of ‘ FX ’ must be run at either end of the link .
3 Would that the same could be said for another competition that takes place at this time of the year — England 's County Championship finals .
4 This could be said with some emphasis of Chatterton , but not of Eliot himself , who moreover survived , who grew to be famous , who did not kill himself , though he was to wonder how one might set about dying .
5 Seisin is a root of title , and it may be said without undue exaggeration that so far as land is concerned there is in England no law of ownership , but only a law of possession .
6 Still , some things may be said with reasonable assurance .
7 More will be said on that point later .
8 In such a well studied and carefully recorded area , is there anything new that can be said about this Bronze Age landscape ?
9 Games are an integral part of any school 's curriculum and the same can be said for New College , but all the pupils are blind or have got very little sight .
10 ‘ More than can be said for that bastard Trentham . ’
11 One thing that can be said for this type of control is that you only need a minimum of movement in the pot to switch between crunch and scream .
12 The most that can be said with any certainty is that the revolt was led by two families who were to play a great part in the next generation of Aquitainian politics , two families with whom Richard was to become very familiar : the house of Lusignan and the house of Angoulême .
13 Also straights can vary tremendously in quality although the same can be said of some compound feeds by the way !
14 Which is more than can be said of some burger bars and ‘ diners ’ where the staff are young , dour and ca n't get home quick enough to swap their multinational uniforms for day-glo tracksuits and trainers ( I wonder where that fashion came from ? ) .
15 But the question that arises is whether it can be said of any morality that it can not be divorced from religion .
16 Much the same can be said of any reason for action .
17 In Chapters 2 and 3 we saw that the lexical resources of a language influence to a large extent what can be said in that language as well as how it can be said .
18 All that can be said from this direction is that they are not getting any easier .
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