Example sentences of "[vb mod] have [vb pp] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They should have gone into that game against Wales having forgotten the close match against Australia in the World Cup .
2 ‘ What could be less noble in reason , ’ he wrote , ‘ less infinite in faculty , than that man , despite his potentialities , should have fallen into such error in the use of himself , and in this way brought about such a lowering in his standard of functioning that in everything he attempts to accomplish , these harmful conditions tend to become more and more exaggerated .
3 What was the reason for the growth between eighteen hundred and eighteen fifty because they had n't had sort of mass industrialization industrialization which had caused population growth in other countries so was there any particular reason why there 's should have trebled in that time ?
4 Because you should have you should have heard by this time .
5 In Wallshire Ltd v Aarons [ 1989 ] 1 EGLR 147 , it was argued that a surveyor conducting a rent review as an expert should have looked at more evidence of comparable lettings .
6 Sometimes she fell into their style — endless crisis-discussions and grumbling about how other members of the family had behaved , or should have behaved to each other .
7 There was 110 possible reason why he should have wished at that stage to foreclose his options between December and January , or January and the spring .
8 We should have known after this start that life with Holmes would never be dull .
9 Now they 're saying things should have improved by this time next year .
10 The British Horse Society is anxious to find out why a third of them should have happened in this year alone .
11 He should have thought of that risk ; he wondered if Sims had thought of it .
12 Cherub , you should have thought of this mate .
13 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
14 Of course I did n't say anything , but I must have reacted in some way and it got through to him , because he seemed more relaxed from that point on .
15 Some mammalian families must have migrated to that continent and evolved there in isolation from the rest of the world .
16 The calories provided by the extra alcohol , sugar , and chocolate were some 500 to 600 per day , and as Alan did not gain weight during the experiment we know that his intake of good foods must have fallen by this amount , some 25 per cent of his normal daily intake .
17 He and Richard must have heard about these things but in general they had failed to register .
18 Then he wondered if he was capable of putting what he must have heard to some use .
19 His personal effects were valued at less than £1,000 , but the family must have lived in some style , since one of the witnesses to the will was the resident coachman .
20 His appeal must have met with some response because although some hundreds of people did leave for Fort-de-France , many hundreds more sought refuge in St Pierre itself , flocking in from the surrounding countryside , so that on the morning of 8 May , as many as 30,000 people were probably crowding the town .
21 The times are noted in.my diary and , if they are accurate , I must have survived for several days in succession on as little as one or two hours ' sleep per night .
22 Mechanics everywhere must have cringed at that scene .
23 He wondered why Pinkie mentioned Laura , then realised with sinking heart that she was no longer keeping her discontent to herself and the echo of it must have travelled for some distance .
24 She supposed she must have risen at some point to light a candle on the mantlepiece .
25 And he must have gone to those churches for the first time .
26 Why she was here , she could n't imagine ; but her head was clearer than it had been in a long time , which meant that she must have gone for some hours without any kind of an injection .
27 Rather , they recognise that such ‘ nonstandard dialects are highly structured systems ’ and that ‘ the adult or child who uses these rules must have formed at some level of psychological organisation clear concepts of ‘ tense marker ’ , ‘ verb phrase ’ , ‘ rule ordering ’ , ‘ sentence embedding ’ , ‘ pronoun ’ and many other grammatical categories which are essential parts of any logical system ’ ( ibid. p. 45 ) .
28 After a while , the villagers suspected that their priest must have stumbled across some sort of treasure , for how else could the funding of his good works be explained ?
29 His way into the sport was typical of the drivers of his generation : not having any money of his own , and his parents being both unwilling and unable to finance a career on which they must have looked with some distaste , Hunt had to start where he could : in the event , with a stripped-down Mini in which he learned the rudiments of the sport .
30 A line of pikemen must have looked like some kind of rampaging porcupine . ’
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